Shippers Seek Clarity on Scrubber Acceptance To Meet IMO Regulation

Major ports are now getting inquiries from shipping companies on accepting scrubbers on ships, reports The Hindu BusinessLine.

MARPOL regulations amendments

Uncertainty continues to prevail across the shipping industry over the impending IMO regulations, to reduce the level of Sulphur emissions from ship’s exhaust, from January 1, 2020.

The amendments to the MARPOL regulations stipulates that sulphur content in the exhaust from ships should be brought down from 3.5 per cent m/m (Mass on mass) to...

Are You Ready for IMO Climate Strategy?

According to an article published in MarineLink, Even as preparations for the 2020 global sulphur cap are still underway, the marine industry is already moving on to tomorrow’s environmental compliance challenges.

Greenhouse gas and your fuel line

IMO recently adopted an ambitious strategy to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from shipping in order to meet the targets of the Paris climate change agreement. While an important goal, it is one that will profoundly impact vessels, and especially the...

Scrubber Retrofit Delays Indicated Ahead of IMO 2020

Shipowners are reporting that their scrubber retrofit programmes are taking a lot longer than expected, reports Ship & Bunker.

Taking longer? How long?

Scrubber retrofit programmes are taking a longer time than expected, complains shipowners. 

In some cases completion dates are pushing back until after January 1, 2020, the start date of the new IMO 2020 global 0.50% sulfur cap.

Few owners reporting delay

Among those reporting issues are:

Crude and product tanker owner Diamond S

Three scrubbers that...

Making the Crew Members Ready for PSC Spot Sampling of Ships’ Fuel

The frequency of port state control sampling sulphur content in ship’s fuel oil is expected to increase significantly after 1 January 2020. The case studies, reported by Gard, show how proper on-board procedures and a well prepared and attentive crew can be crucial in avoiding unwarranted penalties.

PSC Spot Sampling

Prepare crews for PSC spot sampling of ships’ fuel”. This may seem like pretty minor advice at a time when shipowners are in the midst of preparing their fleets and crews for...

Rivertrace Publishes Paper on Scrubber Technology and Washwater Monitoring

According to an article published in Cruise Industry News, Rivertrace Limited has published a technical white paper that focuses on scrubber technology options and washwater monitoring.

To Scrub or not to scrub?

The white paper provides the industry with a guide to all options for compliance, with particular focus on scrubbers and IMO wash water monitoring guidelines. The paper also explores the impact of sulphur emissions from ships, the chemistry of scrubbing sulphur from exhaust gases and the...

107 Maritime Chiefs Call for Ship Speed Limits To Cut Emissions

According to a Financial Times articles, more than 100 maritime chiefs have urged the IMO to take measure to tackle climate change as the 2015 Paris climate agreement, don’t have provisions for emissions from international shipping and aviation which by law, do not come under any country’s jurisdiction.

IMO’s New Rules

In April 2018, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which regulates shipping on the high seas, laid out plans to cut emissions from the sector by 50% by 2050, when...

Sulphur Cap 2020 : ‘FONAR’ Guidance Awaited From IMO

  • ‘FONAR’ system to assist ships in their Regulation 18 declarations to state is still being processed by IMO.
  • From 1 January 2015, in ECAs established under MARPOL Annex VI, the sulphur limit for fuel oil used by ships was reduced to 0.1% from 3.5%.
  • No set fines or sanctions are established by IMO for non-compliance with their regulations, but will be for individual state signatories to decide.
  • Based on FONAR system that is already in use in the North American ECA, the USCG released a Q&A...

[Watch] Sea Change That Could Roil the Industry

International Maritime Organization’s sulfur emissions limit for the shipping industry will start in January 2020. IMO says shipowners in violation of the new rules to reduce toxic emissions from vessels can’t simply pay the fine for non-adherence and continue using non-compliant high-sulfur fuel oil. Bloomberg’s Alix Steel explains why the new standards could potentially disrupt the global shipping market.

Disclaimer: This video is intended for informational purpose only. This may not be...

Top Ship Implementation Plan Items -IMO 2020

  • The 73rd session of the MEPC discussed the 2020 sulphur cap and decided on individual ship implementation plans.
  • By this circular, the IMO encourages flagged vessels to make their own plans.
  • Port authorities will take account of the  SIP which isn’t mandatory and absence of it wouldn’t lead to a PSC Deficiency.
  • SIPs should include bunker system modifications, fuel oil capacity, and segregation capability, risk management, procurement of compliant fuel etc.

The implementation of the 2020...