Is IMO 2020 shipping regulation worsening global warming?

It is scorching out there. High-temperature records are being broken daily. Oceans off some shores are as hot as bathwater. What is to blame? The list of culprits and possible culprits includes fossil fuel emissions, natural climate change, El Nino, changes in the Gulf Stream, the decline in Arctic Sea ice, the so-called Azores High pressure system and one contributing factor that will be familiar to those in ocean shipping: the IMO 2020 regulation.

The IMO 2020 regulation has significantly...

Could The Thawing Of The Arctic Be Slowed By ‘Cloud Brightening’?

Some scientists are recommending drastic actions in response to the climate emergency. Others believe that altering nature will cost too much, regardless of whether you call it geoengineering or biomimicry, as reported by The Guardian.

Anthropic global warming

Like the apocryphal frog that doesn’t notice the rising water temperature until it’s boiled alive, we as a global society are still struggling to recognise that anthropic global warming is hastening us towards irreversible environmental and...

Be Careful What You Wish For: Sulfur Cut May Accentuate Global Warming !

  • New reduced limits on sulphur in fuel oil brought about a 70 per cent cut in total sulphur oxide emissions from shipping.
  • It will usher in a new era of cleaner air in ports and coastal areas through the use of less-polluting fuels.
  • However it is only the surface of the story.

In the several years of debate that preceded the introduction of mandatory sulphur reductions, globally and in IMO-designated Emission Control Areas (ECAs), there were warnings from various quarters that ship emissions,...

A Brand-new Era For STS Is Beginning

A recent news article published in the Riviera deals with a new world emerging for STS.

Ship-to-ship (STS) transfers of crude

Climate change and the risks associated with increased weather activity are behind the new technology transforming the world of ship-to-ship transfers

Ship-to-ship (STS) transfers of crude, clean and dirty oil products have been taking place for over 50 years, and over 11,500 transfers take place each year from around 250 lightering locations in 85 countries.


[Watch] Scientists Alarmed At Greenland Ice Melt

A foot or more of global sea level rise is now locked in due to widespread Greenland ice loss, and new research indicates that even if the world stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, there would be no way to halt it.

Greenland ice loss 

The study, published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, found that the overall ice loss from Greenland’s ice sheet will trigger at least 10 inches of sea level rise, no matter the climate warming scenarios.

That’s generally the same amount that global...

Will extreme weather become more frequent by midcentury?

El Nino — the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean — affects climate, ecosystems and societies worldwide.

A study published earlier this month examined four possible scenarios for future carbon emissions and found an increased risk of El Nino events in all four. This means El Nino events and associated climate extremes are now more likely “regardless of any significant mitigation actions” to reduce emissions, the researchers warned.

(Photo: Jim...

Sea Level Rise In The US Is Accelerating: NOAA

sea levels

The unforeseen rapid rise in sea level and the US coasts could experience an extra foot of water by 2050, per a statement from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The information was released in a report published on Tuesday.

The report has estimated a 10 to 12 inches sea level rise by mid-century, though projections for specific communities and regions vary due to changes in land heights. Some parts of the coastal US are subsiding, while others may experience a rebound...