White Paper – Government and Aerospace Report

It takes specialized logistics capabilities to ship high-tech gear, delicate components, out-of-gauge equipment and military provisions in tight delivery windows to ultra-secure or dangerous locations. Moving a shipment of fighter aircraft parts, for example, requires different skill sets, security clearances and levels of collaboration between service providers and customers in comparison to shipping something more commonplace like a container full of toys.

The aerospace market is similarly...


Demand for chartered air cargo remains strong

Black and white cargo plane in loading process

Commercial passenger flights cautiously returning to the skies haven’t had a drastic effect on demand for chartered air cargo. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, aerospace and especially government shippers were the most frequent bookers of chartered air cargo flights. But with capacity remaining tight in the market, shippers from a broad array of industries continue to rely on chartered carriers. 

“Millions of pounds of capacity have been taken out of the air while thousands of flights remain...
