Ancient Greeks: Science and Wisdom par excellence

Ancient Greeks: Science and Wisdom par excellence

What a way to start your day that was this morning at the Science Museum in London where we had the chance and privilege of a press and media preview of a historic exhibition!

It was indeed a re-discovery of how Greece’s ancient civilisation questioned, contemplated and debated the natural world of Planet Ocean. For us in the shipping industry an unforgettable exhibition on all counts.

Julia Knight introducing the event

I am sure thousands will...

Το ράλι των Greeks στη Wall Street

Η εκτόξευση των μετοχών των ελληνόκτητων εισηγμένων εταιρειών, τους πρώτους μήνες του 2021, δείχνει τις προσδοκίες των επενδυτών για παγκόσμια οικονομική ανάκαμψη το β’ μισό του έτους, γεγονός που συνδυάζεται με την αισιοδοξία για την πανδημία λόγω των εμβολίων

Ο ελληνόκτητος εμπορικός στόλος, ο οποίος και για το 2020 παρέμεινε ο μεγαλύτερος του πλανήτη, σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της Διάσκεψης των Ηνωμένων Εθνών για το Εμπόριο και την Ανάπτυξη (UNCTAD), αποτελείται από 3.648 πλοία που έχουν...

Who Dominated Cape Purchases in 2020?

2020 was a busy year in the cape segment where close to 50 deals have been materialised. Greek owners dominate, bidding highest on just under 50% on all capes circulated for sale, according to data from brokers Intermodal this week, says Zhurnal.

Dominant buyers

Cash-rich Greeks have preferred ships less than 15 years of age. Moundreas Shipping, Star Bulk, Golden Union, Tsakos Shipping and Trading, and Navios are among this year’s well known Greek cape buyers.

Active sellers and bidders


Greeks in the expedition of Magallanes-Elcano…

A replica of Nao Victoria arriving to the port of Sevilla.

Greeks in the expedition of Magallanes-Elcano…

by  Prof. Juan Gil Fernandez*


In the article “Greeks in Spain (centuries XV-XVII)” [“Griegos en España (siglos XV-XVII)”] that I published in the former number of this magazine (pages 111-132) I left without mention the part corresponding to the seamen, who are a vast group within the Greeks that served the...