Maritime Executive: Evolución de las Alianzas de líneas de contenedores

“Las alianzas de contenedores triunfan en períodos de exceso de capacidad y bajas tarifas de flete. En mercados prósperos las líneas son más individualistas.” afirma el Maritime Executive.

Esta entrada Maritime Executive: Evolución de las Alianzas de líneas de contenedores Aparece primero en FullAvan...

Texas household goods moving company, military contractor files Chapter 7

A Texas transportation company and its affiliates that contracted with the federal government to move and store household goods for military service members and their families has ceased operations and filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Alliance Transportation Services, Five Star Warehouses and Lone Star Relocation Services, all headquartered in San Antonio, filed its petition in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas on Tuesday.

The Alliance Transportation Services website states...