1 Killed in Ambush Attack on Cargo Ship, 15 Kidnapped

  • A statement said that three crew members are still in the ship and pirates are waiting for negotiations for ransom.
  • One crew member killed and 15 others kidnapped when pirates stormed a Turkish cargo ship that had a crew of 19 off the coast of Guinea, according to a statement.
  • The crew member who was killed was an Azerbaijani sailor.

A recent news article published in the TRT World reveals that there has been a deadly pirate ambush on Turkish cargo ship off Guinea and sailors are kidnapped.



Las navieras advierten del repunte de la piratería en el golfo de Guinea

La asociación de navieros europeos ECSA ha dado la voz de alarma ante la inseguridad que sufre el tráfico marítimo en el Golfo de Guinea. Durante la Conferencia ECR sobre seguridad marítima y economía azul celebrada en el Parlamento Europeo, su secretario general, Martin Dorsman, ha instado a la Unión Europea a tomar medidas “de inmediato” frente al repunte de la piratería en aguas guineanas.

En 2019 se registraron hasta 162 incidentes de piratería y robo a mano armada contra buques en todo el...
