SIU Canada releases report on harassment in Canadian maritime

The Seafarers’ International Union of Canada (SIU Canada) has published a report on workplace harassment and bullying within the Canadian marine sector. It indicates that 46% of seafarers have experienced harassment or bullying at some point in their seagoing career. The report is a summary of data gathered from a survey that was conducted by the union in the summer of 2023 and sent to all members of SIU Canada, who represent the majority of unlicensed seafarers across Canada.

The report points...

Texas carrier, HR company settle sex discrimination suit

A Texas carrier and a human resources provider recently agreed to pay $90,000 to a former female recruiter who said she was treated differently from male employees because of her gender, according to the U.S. Equal Employment Oppor­tunity Commission.

Outwest Express, a full truckload carrier, and American One, a professional services provider,  agreed to the settlement to voluntarily resolve a sex discrimination and retaliation charge filed with the EEOC. Both companies are based in El Paso,...

Appellate court affirms harassment and retaliation ruling against trucking company

The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (which oversees Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan) recently addressed a trucking company’s liability when an employee sued alleging sexual harassment by the driver trainer, after being terminated. The Sixth Circuit upheld the lower court’s decision against the trucking company finding the trucking company liable for the $150,000 jury verdict.


A trucking company (“company”) hired a female truck driver who did not yet have...

Union’s ruthless campaign of bullying and intimidation

With all the public focus on the container terminals there is another disgraceful action by Maritime Union of Australia henchmen that has gone virtually unnoticed. 

A campaign of targeted intimidation and harassment by the Maritime Union of Australia has caused mooring services company Ports & Harbour Services Pty Ltd (P&HS) to suspend operations.

In a statement headed “Temporary service pause,” the company said: “as you are all aware our new lines service commenced operations last Monday 21 Sept...

Protect against employment-related lawsuits now


In recent years, lawsuits against motor carriers have not only increased in frequency but also in bite. This should come as no surprise as headlines blaring multi-million dollar settlements have become newsflashes almost weekly. 

Research by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) recently shed light on lawsuits resulting from “nuclear verdicts.” It reported that from 2012 to 2019, there were 265 cases with verdicts over $1 million, representing an increase of 335%. Additionally,...

Key health & safety concerns for women seafarers

Similar to their male co-workers, women also feel isolated or lonely at sea. This may be exacerbated if they are the only woman onboard or they face gender-based discrimination due to forming part of a male-dominated industry.

SAFETY4SEA Crew Wellness Survey of 2019 showed that female seafarers were generally less satisfied than males. Meanwhile, a survey by IHMA, ISWAN, ITF, and Seafarers Hospital Society to 595 female seafarers in 2015 identified joint/back pain and anxiety/stress/depression...

Case study: Chief Engineer fears for his life after experiencing harassment

Human Rights at Sea recently issued a case of bullying and harassment towards an Indian Chief Engineer from a Turskish Master onboard a Marshall Islands flagged vessel. In fact, the case remains redacted and the identities are protected, since the matter is under investigation by Human Rights at Sea.

The case

On the 15th November 2019, the Chief Engineering joined the vessel, which is owned and operated by a Turkish company in Istabul.

It is reported that during a bunkering operation in Djibouti...