Peterhead Sheriff Court fines skipper for harassment

According to the Peterhead Sheriff’s Court, a Scottish skipper has been found guilty for assaulting and racially-aggravating harassment upon five non-European crewmemebes, during a six-year period.

Specifically, the 59-year-old Scottish skipper admitted to racially harassing the above-mentioned personnel on various occasions among August 2013 and August 2019.

Earlier this month, Peterhead Sheriff Court decided to fine the fishery’s captain with £2.000 for the harassment charges and a further...

Addressing harassment in the workplace

Bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment, is an abuse of human rights and a key area of concern for the working environment, especially onboard ships where there is limited alternative for someone to avoid it. This aspect of abuse is particularly important for women, as it is considered one of the reasons keeping them away from a shipping career.

Amid a growing awareness of the importance of psychological wellbeing in the workplace, the ILO adopted a new Convention and accompanying...

ILO: Mandatory pregnancy testing is a discriminatory practice against women

According to ILO, mandatory pregnancy testing is  now considered as a discriminatory practice. The Norwegian Seafarers Union played an important role to this achievement at the ILO to stop sexist discrimination.

Specifically, ILO’s legal office published a statement, highlighting that ‘mandatory pregnancy testing will now be considered discrimination against women.’

The Norwegian Seafarers Union’s Director of Cruise Operations, Lena Dyring, commented

We are pleased that mandatory pregnancy testing...

ILO adopts new Convention and Recommendation to tackle violence and harassment in workplace

The Centenary International Labour Conference has adopted a new Convention and Recommendation to combat violence and harassment in the workplace. The Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019, and Violence and Harassment Recommendation, 2019 , were adopted by delegates on the final day of the Centenary International Labour Conference, in Geneva.

The Convention will enter into force 12 months after two member States have ratified it. The Recommendation, which is not legally binding, provides...

How to tackle bullying and harassment onboard

The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) recognised the negative effect that bullying and harassment can have on seafarer health and wellbeing, and have voted to bring these serious issues under Regulation 4.3, which is the health and safety protection and accident protection code. Under the Mental Health Awareness week, the UK P&I Club highlights ways to eliminate shipboard bullying and harassment.

Namely, as the Club informs, three changes have been made:

  • The latest version of the guidance on...

Bulk carrier detained after crew complaints of no food, bullying, shore leave denial

Australian authorities detained the Liberian-registered bulk carrier ‘Anna-Elisabeth’ after international crew onboard the vessel complained of insufficient food, bullying aboard the vessel and denial of shore leave.

ITF received the complaints from onboard the ship berthed at the Port Kembla Coal Terminal on 25 March and were immediately acted upon with an ITF Inspection conducted within two hours.

ITF national coordinator Dean Summers substantiated the crew’s serious concern finding inadequate...

UK Club: How to deal with bullying and harassment on board

Sophia Bullard, Crew Health Programme Director at UK P&I Club, provides her comments on how to address bullying and harassment on board ships. Ms. Bullard says that companies and management should be receptive to change and adopt a zero tolerance approach to deal with bullying and harassment at sea.

During the last ten years, there is an increase on the focus regarding harassment in maritime. Campaigns are taking place to increase awareness, promote fair practices and implement guidelines to...

Sexual harassment increases against female cadets at USCG Academy

Unwanted sexual contact in 2017-2018 increased for cadets and midshipmen compared to rates last measured in 2016, according to figures released by the US Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office. Among all female cadets and midshipmen, 15.8% experienced unwanted sexual contact in the past year in the 2018 survey, an increase from 12.2% in 2016.

The figures came from the DoD’s scientific survey of the Academies, under its 13th Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and...

New project launched to reduce harassment risk at sea

A new research project at Kalmar maritime academy aims to map out methods and strategies to reduce the risk of negative special treatment within the shipping industry. Working at sea, often for many months, means that a person who is subjected to harassment may face difficulties to withdraw and little opportunity to receive support.

The shipping industry’s MeToo call #lättaankar united 1,150 women seafarers and has brought commitment from the industry. Currently, focus has been on reporting...

ILO: reaching 100 MLC, 2006 ratifications


Amended on three occasions since its entry into force in 2013 in order to keep up with the needs of the shipping sector, the MLC Convention has now been ratified by 90 member States representing more than 91% of the world merchant shipping fleet.

The MLC, 2006 consolidates almost all previous maritime instruments adopted throughout the century. It incorporates the international experience in regulating decent living and working conditions for seafarers gained since 1920, when the 2nd session of...