Hart Marine pilot boats power up with Volvo Penta IPS

In many regions of the world, vessels from Australian shipyard Hart Marine in Mornington, Victoria, are regarded as the “pilot boat of choice,” with many of them installed with the Volvo Penta IPS (inboard performance system).

Over the last four decades, the company has specialized in the production of high-performance pilot and patrol vessels, including the Orc pilot, police and rescue boats.

Volvo Penta says that its IPS ensures peak performance for operations crucial to safety and security.



VESSEL REVIEW | Spirit – Versatile pilot boat for South Australia port operator

Spirit, a new pilot boat delivered to Australia's Flinders Ports by Hart Marine

South Australian port operator Flinders Ports has expanded its fleet of harbour services vessels with the recent acquisition of a newbuild pilot boat constructed by Hart Marine in the neighbouring state of Victoria. Spirit is the first in a series of three pilot boats ordered by Flinders Ports from...


AWARDS 2023 | Best FRP Pilot Boat – Wardan – Hart Marine

Best FRP Pilot Boat – Wardan – Hart Marine Australia’s Hart Marine, once a famous builder of large racing yachts, has in more recent times appeared frequently among Baird Maritime’s Best Of awards. Its innovative, refined, safe and very high quality pilot boats are now seen in many Australian and...


VESSEL REVIEW | Wardan – New pilot boat delivered to Western Australia port operator

The Southern Ports Authority of Western Australia recently welcomed a new pilot boat into service. Built by Hart Marine of Victoria, the boat has been named Wardan after the sea water off Wardandi Country, where it will also primarily operate. The vessel’s main area of responsibility will be the...


South Australia port operator places order for new pilot boats

South Australian port operator Flinders Ports (FP) has entered into an agreement to purchase three new pilot vessels over the next three years from Melbourne-based boatbuilder Hart Marine. The boats will feature improved technology to reduce fuel usage and to become future-ready for alternative...


VESSEL REVIEW | Dauntless – Self-righting patrol and rescue boat for Australia’s Tasmania Police

The Tasmania Police of Australia recently welcomed a new all-weather response boat into service. Built by local company Hart Marine to a design originally developed by Fr ..

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AWARDS 2021 | Best Large Pilot Boat – Mantaray – Hart Marine

Best Large Pilot Boat – Mantaray – Hart Marine Australia’s Hart Marine commenced life as a builder of very exotic, light and fast FRP racing yachts. However, perhap ..

The post AWARDS 2021 | Best Large Pilot Boat – Mantaray – Hart Marine appeared first on Baird Maritime.
