Bison Transport adquiere la empresa de transporte estadounidense Hartt Transportation

A tractor-trailer of Bison Transport on a highway.

El gigante canadiense del transporte Bison Transport ha adquirido la empresa de transporte Hartt Transportation Systems, con sede en Maine, en un acuerdo que ampliará significativamente su presencia en el noreste de Estados Unidos.

La adquisición, efectiva el viernes, añade una flota de más de 360 camiones y tres terminales – en Bangor y Auburn, Maine, y Sumter, Carolina del Sur. El precio no fue revelado.

“Hay una gran energía en este negocio y la gente tiene un fuerte deseo de seguir creciendo...

Bison Transport acquires US trucking firm Hartt Transportation

A tractor-trailer of Bison Transport driving on a highway with trees in the background.

Canadian trucking giant Bison Transport acquired Maine-based trucking company Hartt Transportation Systems in a deal that will significantly expand its presence in the northeastern U.S.

The acquisition, effective Friday, adds a fleet of over 360 trucks and three terminals — in Bangor and Auburn, Maine, and Sumter, South Carolina. The price was not disclosed.

“There is a great energy in this business and the people have a strong desire to continue to grow and prosper in a responsible way,” Bison...