Unlocking brokerage growth with digital payment financing

Young brokerages and those attempting to rapidly scale their businesses often end up taking out loans to cover their costs and finance their carrier payments. The terms that accompany these loans – including high interest rates, strict payback periods and restrictive covenants – can become burdensome for brokers and may actually hamper their growth instead of enabling it. 

Many brokers rely on these types of loans to help them pay carriers and staff when growing in the industry. 

“Carriers and...


Credit is everything: Eliminating risk without leaving money on the table

Whether you are a new company or an established one entering an aggressive growth phase, credit is everything. Potential partners want to know that a company has what it takes to stay the course, so working with a customer with subpar credit may be unsavory or even unacceptable for some.

“As our economy enters into an unprecedented period, having good credit has become more important than ever,” said ComFreight CEO Steve Kochan. “A couple of bad customers can essentially put you out of business.”


Customized digital payments give brokers a new edge

truck goes down highway

In an industry that is becoming increasingly digitized, customization is king. Brokers with the capacity to meet their carriers exactly where they are are more likely to keep them in their network, ultimately making the relationship more fortuitous for both parties. 

Customizable payment programs – like HaulPay by ComFreight – offer brokers the opportunity to pay each carrier on a schedule that works best for them. Custom payment options allow brokers to offer quick pay when necessary while...
