Detecting Ship Emissions from Space

  • Shipping emissions are globally responsible for around 400 000 premature deaths.
  • Since January 2020, the maximum sulphur dioxide content of ship fuels was globally reduced to 0.5%
  • Scientists detect nitrogen dioxide plumes from individual ships from space using data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite.
  • Scientist use ‘sun glint’ satellite data over the ocean to observe ship emission plumes.

Scientists use data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite to detect nitrogen dioxide plumes...

First of Its Kind Crew Care Initiative To Combat COVID Scare

At a time when a raging pandemic is making life hell for everyone, the healthcare of seafarers working for months in ships without any leave is becoming a critical issue, yet nobody is concerned about them.

To remedy this, Columbia Shipmanagement (CSM) has taken the issue of seafarer care to a new level with the introduction of a series of initiatives that will promote their health, fitness and wellbeing to a standard not yet seen in the shipmanagement sector, says an article published on their...

How Robots Are Assisting Human-To-Human Contact in the Pandemic

These robots were <a href="" target="_blank">donated </a>by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to Rwanda, to help fight the spread of coronavirus. They are used for temperature screening, monitoring the status of patients, and keeping medical records, according to Rwanda's Ministry of ICT and Innovation.

With the pandemic cutting off people, coronavirus patients are having a hard time living alone in the hospital battling the virus which is draining them both mentally and physically. Now, an ingenious solution of using robots to establish these human contacts from patients to their loved ones has been developed, says an article published in CNN.

What is it?

In India, the country with the world’s second-highest number of Covid-19 cases, a handful of hospitals has started to use robots to connect...

How Is It Like Living in Post COVID China

George Fahrion, a german writer living in Beijing, China at the time of the coronavirus outbreak chronicles the strict measures that the country followed to tackle the outbreak and how ingrained it was into the public life.

Let’s take a look at his article as published in Spiegel International.

The Privilege of Living in China

I recently became conscious of my privilege when I made a phone call from Beijing to a friend in Berlin. We talked about what we planned to do over the New Year, a time I’ve...

The Notion of Face Masks Reduce ‘COVID Dose’ Dangerous

According to a University of Minnesota article, when two physicians at the University of California at San Francisco published a commentary in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on Sep 8 proposing to resurrect the 18th century practice of variolation using face coverings to prevent severe COVID-19 and confer immunity, the Internet lit up with headlines such as “Coronavirus: Another reason for that mask: You’ll get less sick.

Face Coverings Reduce Viral Dose?

The paper, written by Monica...

[Watch] How Scientists Develop COVID Vaccine in the Lab

According to an Outlook India article, a team of covid vaccines researchers have put up how they work for the vaccine in a series of tweets.

With Covid-19 having claimed more than 1.2 million lives globally, scientists and researchers around the globe are working round the clock to find a vaccine for the ongoing pandemic. Recently, a team of scientists have documented their work on coronavirus vaccines and posted it on social media platforms.

COVID19 Pandemic Ground Zero ‘Wuhan’ Returns To Normal

  • Wuhan, the Chinese city where the first cases of COVID-19 were recorded, has largely returned to normal.
  • The city’s recovery points to the effectiveness of draconian measures in combatting the spread of the disease.
  • China’s broader reset has built hopes that it will lead the global economy out of its malaise.

As the world reels under the effect of the second wave of the pandemic, Wuhan, the erstwhile epicentre of the pandemic where the disease first emerged in China has resumed life. The...

Harvard Study Shows Onboard Flight Ventilation Can Filter Airborne Virus

Harvard researchers say more research needs to be done on air travel and the spread of coronavirus.

With the pandemic turning our life upside down, everything is a risk activity nowadays – right from grocery shopping to taking a flight. We generally tend to think that taking a flight may be more risky but scientists and healthcare experts have found it to be otherwise.

While airlines are booming with festive offers many travelers are wary of taking a flight

The latest scientific evidence has come to their rescue as it offers both the reassurance that flying is relatively safe as well as...

Cough Detecting Tool Identifies Asymptomatic COVID, 97% Accurate

According to a Science Alert article written by David Neil, a group of MIT researchers has found a way out of the biggest problem in the pandemic, that of detecting the virus in asymptomatic people.

These scientists from MIT have invented a device, a kind of virus detector that works on everyone, even on the asymptomatic.

AI-Enabled System Detecting Cough

Part of the challenge in controlling the coronavirus pandemic is in identifying and isolating infected people quickly – not particularly easy...

World’s First Cruise With Onboard COVID Testing Lab

A cruise ship at sea

According to a Forbes report, Viking Star will offer daily PCR testing to all passengers and crew via the first floating laboratory of its kind at sea, making it in the first cruise ship to this.

Viking Ocean Cruise

Petridish of Virus To Moving Virus Lab

Once considered the petri-dish of the pre-pandemic era, cruise ships, and the cruise industry in general, has been making serious strides towards a better, cleaner future. This week, those strides come to us from luxury cruise line Viking, who...