Tackling the seafarer shortage with online training courses

Covid-19 has heavily impacted the shipping industry, which has seen crew stuck onboard vessels for months at a time, shipping container shortage, crew unable to board vessels, and more. Alongside these issues comes the concern surrounding a seafarer shortage, due to Covid-19 making in person training and crew changes near-impossible.

As a result, some are turning to online training courses to source up-and-coming seafarers and combat the skill shortage. Online training courses provide a platform...


Security aboard: Allianz’s Safety & Shipping Review 2021

Insurance multinational Allianz recently published its annual Safety & Shipping Review, providing a glimpse into how the global shipping industry has coped with different challenges and what lessons it has learned. 

As highlighted by the review, the industry suffered several blows in the last 18 months, from the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent seafarer crisis to the Beirut port explosion and the incidents in the Suez Canal. 

Despite the disruption caused by such events, shipping demonstrated...


Sailing towards improved mental health with Isca Wellbeing

In 2021 we have been presented with technological advances, rocket races to the moon, new breakthroughs in science and much more. However, alongside all this achievement one area is still facing setbacks: mental health

The topic of mental health is still regarded by many as a stigma, a taboo topic that cannot be brought up and discussed, especially in working environments. This often leads to individuals suppressing their emotional state or being uninformed as to what they might be...


Bringing AI onboard to support shipping’s decarbonisation journey

The Covid-19 pandemic sent shipping sailing into uncertain waters from container shortages, port restrictions and problems surrounding crew changes. Now the industry is facing a new challenge: decarbonisation.

The industry produces 940 million tonnes of CO2 annually and generates around 2.5% of global greenhouses gasses (sourced from Europa.eu). Shipping authorities including the International Maritime Organisation and governments have set out decarbonisation goals and strategies.



Let’s discuss mental health: Assisting seafarers with their mental wellbeing

Thousands of seafarers across the globe found themselves stranded onboard vessels as the Covid-19 pandemic hit, with vessels being unable to dock due to travel restrictions and crew changes being unable to take place. This has seen cases of depression, anxiety and other mental health struggles being reported amongst seafarers at a heightened rate.

Established to assist seafarers struggling with their mental health battles, Mental Health Support Solutions are a team of qualified psychologists...

UK drive for zero emission ships: The future or a fantasy?

The global shipping industry is one of the most polluting in the world, with the International Maritime Organisation reporting that the industry emits around 940 million tonnes of CO2 annually, making it responsible for around 2.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. (Sourced from the 3rd IMO GHG study.)

These statistics have been discussed time and time again by government officials, with talks on how they can be reduced, either by the implementation of regulations or by guidelines when it...


Driving growth in a disrupted world: lessons from LISW Conference

International Shipping Week (LISW) Conference took place on 15 September and saw some of the maritime industry’s biggest stakeholders gather at the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) headquarters to talk about issues concerning the sector.

During the eight-hour conference, panellists focused on different topics including the question of seafarers stranded at sea, regulation, COP26 and the pathway to net-zero.

“Ladies and gentlemen, there’s no doubt that we have witnessed immense...


Covid-19 and mental health practices: lessons from LISW

Telecommunications giant Inmarsat kicked-off the London International Shipping Week (LISW) 2021 conference with the ‘Meeting the welfare needs of seafarers in a digital age’ session.

Industry stakeholders from around the world gathered in person in London and virtually for five days of events where they discussed the most important issues the maritime industry has been facing for the last two years, including the disruption caused by Covid-19 and the pathway to decarbonisation. Among the topics...


Assisting the industry with Covid-19: The BIMCO disease clause

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact the industry, from the shipping container crisis, ports denying entry, and crew being stuck onboard vessels for months at a time.

Many shipping companies have been reluctant to enter certain countries due to the high risk of crew contracting Covid-19, or the potential of the rest of the vessel having to quarantine due to Covid-19 restrictions imposed by the destination country. Alongside this, delays have been caused due to crew contracting...


Here there be pirates: Addressing piracy threats in African waters

Piracy and vessel hijacking presents a serious threat to those in the shipping industry. Accounting for 32% of globally reported piracy incidents and 50% of crew kidnapping cases, the Gulf of Guinea is one of the most dangerous areas for piracy incidents. Attacks against merchant ships in the area are so common they are considered a constant risk for those operating there.

Although the deployment of the Deep Blue Project – formed by the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency – has...
