FMCSA rejects work-rule exemption for livestock haulers

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Livestock haulers remain frustrated after being told by federal regulators that they will not...

FMCSA tries to clarify policy on hours-of-service exemption requests

Truck cab electronic logging device.

Recent requests seeking exemptions from trucking hours-of-service rules have raised questions about how federal regulators view such requests and what kind of response they are required to provide.

Ronnie Brown III, who drives for Waterloo, Iowa-based Gray Transportation, applied in June to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for an exemption from both HOS and rules requiring drivers to have ELDs installed in their cab.

Brown contended in his application — a two-page email to FMCSA —...

Safety groups rail against HOS exemption for ag truckers

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) and other truck safety groups have warned federal regulators that relaxing hours-of-service (HOS) rules for ag haulers threatens safety by exposing more drivers to fatigue.

In a petition for reconsideration filed in late December with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), CVSA stated that the interim final rule (IFR) issued by the agency in November that attempts to clarify the definitions of “agricultural commodity” “livestock”...