UK House of Lords UNCLOS Inquiry. How to protect human rights at sea.

UK House of Lords UNCLOS Inquiry. How to protect human rights at sea.

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UK House of Lords UNCLOS Inquiry. How to protect human rights at sea.

LONDON. UK.  Yesterday, the House of Lords International Relations and Defence Select Committee received additional expert evidence from Dr Sofia Galani, Assistant Professor in Public International Law, Panteion University, Greece, and Professor Natalie Klein of the Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Australia,...

UK Crown Prosecution Service issues statement on Nave Andromeda Case

UK Crown Prosecution Service issues statement on Nave Andromeda Case

London. UK. The case of the alleged ‘hijacking’ and threatening of the ship’s crew by seven Nigerian stowaways in UK Territorial Waters (TTWs) on 25 October 2020 has been dropped by the UK Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The incident resulted in significant international media controversy after the UK Special Boat Service (SBS) conducted a night-time boarding to regain control of the Liberian flagged crude oil tanker Nave...

India Driving National Human Rights at Sea Agenda

India Driving National Human Rights at Sea Agenda

London, UK. The Indian Government and National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) are driving forward with the newly created ‘human rights at sea’ agenda in quick time following the first national seminar on the topic held in Mumbai on 28 February 2019, and last week’s historic NHRC meeting in New Dehli on Monday 8 July co-organised with the Forum for Integrated National Security (FINS) think-tank.

As first reported by The Times of India and copied...

Human Rights at Sea Latest News: OP-ED: NGO Pacific Dialogue on Pacific Seafarers

OP-ED: NGO Pacific Dialogue on Pacific Seafarers

Opinion Piece 4th July 2019 Suva, Fiji. The Fijian partner to Human Rights at Sea, the NGO Pacific Dialogue, released an OP-ED for the occasion of the 2019 ‘Day of the Seafarer’ which is reproduced for an increased awareness of the history, issues and work being carried out in the Pacific by seafarers which is…

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HRAS News: Migrants crossing The English Channel & Port Strategies

COMMENT 28 December 2018 London.UK.  The recent increase in migrant crossings from France to England across one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, has prompted calls within the UK to increase sea patrols and prevent crossings. Nonetheless, the issue should not be unexpected for UK Border Force as the inevitability of exploitation of those fleeing war-torn countries…

The post Migrants crossing The English Channel & Port Strategies appeared first on Human Rights At Sea.

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HRAS enables Ethiopian Chief Officer to return home with wages paid

HRAS enables Ethiopian Chief Officer to return home with wages paid

17th October 2018 London. UK. Human Rights at Sea is pleased to report the successful repatriation of an Ethiopian Chief Officer with outstanding wages owed which have now been paid in full after direct, but polite intervention by the charity. The case was led by HRAS Iranian intern, Sayedeh Hajar Hejazi. The charity was…

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Human Rights at HRAS: Sea announces Silvia Mera as speaker for the International Maritime Human Rights Conference

Silvia Mera

Human Rights at Sea announces Silvia Mera as speaker for the International Maritime Human Rights Conference

Friday 21 September 2018 London. UK. Silvia Mera announced by Human Rights at Sea as a speaker for the International Maritime Human Rights conference 2018. Human Rights at Sea is delighted to present Silvia Mera, another speaker for the International Maritime Human Rights Conference 2018. Silvia Mera is Program Director at the Mekong Club,…

The post Human Rights at Sea announces...