Stranded Seafarers Return Home Following Crew Change

16 Indian crew members of MV Anastasia have reached India after the shipping company arranged a crew change in Japan on 10th February, reports DD News.

The stranded crew arrived in Mumbai on February 14. The ship was stuck at Chinese port of Caofeidian since September 2020.

Read Also: Stranded Seafarers To Return Home for Valentine’s Day

Stranded cargo vessels

MV Anastasia and MV Jag Anand were transporting coal from Australia to China as they were stuck in the Chinese ports. Both the ships were...

MSC Set To End Crew Change Ordeal for Stranded Bulker

  • Humanitarian crisis averted as MSC arranges relief for seafarers stuck off China’s coast since September.
  • Bulk carrier ANASTASIA’s crew to disembark on 10 February in Japan, before ship resumes service.
  • MSC will continue to monitor seafarers’ health and well-being while arranging repatriation.

The MSC bulker Anastasia, stuck off the coast of China since September, is finally heading to Japan for a crew change after many months of unsuccessful attempts, reports the company website.


Global Leaders Warned Off ‘Key Workers’ & Supply Chain Disruption

  • The fate of more than 200,000 seafarers who play a crucial role in keeping global trade flowing is being labelled a “humanitarian crisis at sea”.
  • More than 300 firms and organisations are urging for them to be treated as “key workers”, so they can return home without risking public health.
  • More than 90% of global trade – from household goods to medical supplies – is moved by sea.
  • But governments have banned crew from coming ashore amid Covid-19 fears.

A recent news article published in the...

Deliver seafarers home for Christmas

Santa Claus, or, if you prefer, Father Christmas, is a much-known character beloved by kids the world over for bringing them wonderful presents.

Santa, of course, ain’t real (sorry kids!).

The people who really do bring you wonderful presents from the other side of the planet are seafarers.

Sadly – tragically – they’re more unfairly maligned than beloved, especially by many (but not all) governments and officials that prevent seafarers from accessing much-needed medical care, from taking shore...

‘It is time to act for seafarers’

At least 200,000 seafarers worldwide are stranded on ships and require immediate repatriation, and a similar number urgently need to get on board vessels to replace them, according to the latest estimates from the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 

Twelve countries responded on Thursday by committing to help facilitate crew changes despite travel restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and to achieve international key worker designation for seafarers. 

Representatives from the...