IAPH President: Ports should not compete but collaborate to ensure infrastructure for green fuels

Jens Meier, President of the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) and CEO of Hamburg Port Authority has called on ports to actively collaborate on knowledge sharing between themselves and the maritime community to accelerate decarbonization.

The post IAPH President: Ports should...


IAPH y The Seafarers’ Charity preparan ayuda para los trabajadores portuarios ucranianos y sus familias

Los puertos marítimos de Ucrania están en la primera línea de la guerra. Ayude a los trabajadores portuarios y sus familias, ahora y durante la crisis. La Asociación Internacional de Puertos y Puertos (IAPH) está trabajando con The Seafarers’ Charity para apoyar a los trabajadores portuarios y sus familias afectados por el desastre humanitario causado […]

Esta entrada IAPH y The Seafarers’ Charity preparan ayuda para los trabajadores portuarios ucranianos y sus familias Aparece primero en FullAva...


172 Patrick Verhoeven, Managing Director at International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH)

What is the future role of a port?

According to Patrick Verhoeven and the IAPH, Smart, Autonomous, and Integrated is the signum of a future port.
Listen to Patrick talking about what areas the trade association for ports around the world has identified as focus areas moving forward.

  • Bunkering – alternative fuels, which and how much?
  • Onshore power – cold ironing ports
  • Incentives – how politicians can support
  • Efficiency – optimal port call

I am eagerly waiting for your feedback! Drop me a line at h...


Global logistics chains at risk from second-tier ports’ lack of digitalisation

Second-tier ports have been slammed for a lack of digitalisation, putting global logistics chains at risk.
According to Singapore-based port software provider Innovez-One, some 80% of the world’s 4,900 ports are “not yet using digital technology for even the most basic processes”.
Instead, they rely on whiteboards and spreadsheets to manage “critical” marine services such as towage, pilotage and launch boats.
“This leaves many ports commercially vulnerable and less able to compete in …

The post G...
