FMC commissioners call for federal support for ‘struggling’ box terminal operators

The US federal government should consider stepping in to help container terminal operators stay in business, as volumes plummet as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic.
Two FMC commissioners, Carl Bentzel and Louis Sola, have written to the department of transport urging it to look at ways of bringing financial relief to the sector.
They said they feared some terminal operators could rack such substantial losses that they could cease operating.
“We have …

The post FMC commissioners call for...

Uncollected new vehicles now driving congestion chaos at ports and terminals

Reports of ports suffering congestion as consignees and their forwarders were unable or unwilling to collect imports were today backed up by new data showing higher utilisation of storage areas and warehouse.
According to the weekly Covid-19 barometer report issued by the World Ports Sustainability Programme, part of the International Association of Ports & Harbours (IAPH), 35% of ports it surveyed reported an increase in utilisation for “foodstuffs and medical supplies, …

The post Uncollected...

Ports face the economic impacts of COVID-19

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, a IAPH-WPSP Port Economic Impact Barometer started monitoring the current situation in world ports and trends compared to previous weeks. In fact, the first survey results were collected in week 15 of 2020, collecting information from 67 ports around the global.

Through their survey, World Port Sustainability Program and International Association of Ports and Harbors reported steady overall port cargo volumes and a significantly reduced passenger and cruise...

Los contenedores inmovilizados, el primer problema global de los puertos

La acumulación de mercancía en las terminales es el primer efecto global de la crisis del coronavirus en el sistema portuario internacional. Lo evidencia el nuevo barómetro creado por la Asociación Internacional de Puertos para evaluar el impacto de en los puertos de todo el mundo.

En su primer informe, realizado por los expertos Theo Notteboom y Thanos Pallis, en base a una encuesta en la que han participado un total 67 puertos, se señala que hasta el 36% de los enclaves reconocen un aumento en...

World Ports Sustainability Program sets up Covid-19 task force with dedicated information portal

Support to include regularly-updated, frequently-asked questions section vetted by experts from eight global ports, a weekly economic impact barometer and latest industry updates

Paris, April 3 2020In response to requests from members of the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), the World Ports Sustainability Program has set up a Task Force comprising some of the world’s top experts to inform and guide the port authorities and users alike via a …

The post World Ports...

ICS, IAPH urge G20 to support maritime sector

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH) have joined forces to call on G20 leaders to act quickly to protect global supply chains from the impact of COVID-19.

In an open letter the two organizations representing the global shipping industry and the world’s ports and harbours stated that:

In this time of global crisis, it is more important than ever to keep supply chains open and maritime trade and transport moving. Leadership from...

Better communication and data sharing key to establishing JIT shipping

The maritime industry is ramping-up efforts to optimise port calls and introduce just-in-time (JIT) shipping.
If successful, the IMO and IAPH-led initiatives could tackle two of liner shipping’s biggest challenges: improving schedule reliability and meeting the industry’s ambitious decarbonisation targets.
For example, a major cause of potentially unnecessary emissions and wasted fuel is the amount of time ships spend waiting for a berth. After monitoring 200,000 ships globally, MarineTraffic...

IAPH Launches Bunkering Audit Tool For Bunkering Operations

According to an article published in Safety4Sea, IAPH pays great attention to the bunkering of the fuels of the future.

Clean Marine Fuels audit tool

The fuels such as ammonia and methanol will be linked with safety considerations; Thus, IAPH’s project the Clean Marine Fuels audit tool began with a focus on LNG bunkering.

Specifically, the group that developed the project, also developed a series of checklists and an accreditation tool to be used by port authorities when they wish to vet LNG...