Iceberg Bigger Than Rhode Island Breaks Off

An enormous iceberg, a little bigger than the state of Rhode Island, has broken off of Antarctica, reports Live Science.

The first spotting

The finger-shaped chunk of ice, which is roughly 105 miles (170 kilometers) long and 15 miles (25 kilometers) wide, was spotted by satellites as it calved from the western side of Antarctica’s Ronne Ice Shelf, according to the European Space Agency. The berg is now floating freely on the Weddell Sea, a large bay in the western Antarctic where explorer Ernest...

Estimating the Overall Cost of Injury in Shipping Sector

  • There is a reason that safety initiatives can struggle to achieve sufficient support.
  • For those of us responsible for safety in our organizations haven’t consistently conveyed the total injury costs to key decision makers.
  • Some costs associated with an injury are apparent and easy to assign to a specific incident.
  • Other costs are embedded within larger issues or are less easily attributed to any specific injury.

A recent news article published in the Eshtoday reveals that understanding the...