Daily Infographic: Manufacturers Are Adopting a Wide Array of Vehicle Technologies that Improve Fuel Economy and Reduce Emissions

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Lazer Spot acquisition: Electric spotter trucks ‘perfect application’ of EVs

Lazer Spot acquired Firefly Transportation services, expanding its electric spotter truck fleet.

While long-haul vehicle electrification continues to face infrastructure and battery technology challenges, adopting electric yard vehicles is much simpler.

Alpharetta, Georgia-based yard management services provider Lazer Spot is dipping its toes deeper into the pool of vehicle electrification with the acquisition of Firefly Transportation Services, an electric spotter truck provider.

“We’re excited that, with Lazer’s size and scale, they can take what our thoughts were for fleet electrification...


Modern Bunkering Options Transforming Panama Canal Bunker Industry

In a pioneering tanker move, Monjasa enables outer anchorage bunker supplies off Cristobal. This means significantly less idle time for larger ships taking bunkers in the Panama Canal, says a press release on their website.

Sustain the Attractiveness

Global oil and shipping group Monjasa brings MT Monjasa Supplier (8,839-dwt) from Dubai to Panama to further sustain the attractiveness of Panama as a leading global shipping hub.

Monjasa Supplier is already in full operation supplying LSMGO and...
