Burning High Sulfur Fuel in Singapore Gets You 2 Year in Jail

Singapore has a message for shipping companies considering cheating on rules starting next year to combat pollution to save a few dollars on their fuel bills.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, captains and owners of vessels that burn overly sulfurous fuel in the Asian country’s territorial waters could face as long as two years in prison from the start of 2020, reports Bloomberg.

Strong disincentives

If enforced, such a penalty would probably be among the strongest...


IMO 2020 Impact: Viability Test of Group I Oil Plants in Europe

The global maritime industry is sailing towards a new sulphur regulation imposed by the International Maritime Organisation. (IMO).

The impact on base oils has been a topic of interest at the 23rd ICIS World Base Oils conference in London, with speakers at the conference presenting their viewpoints on the same, says a press release published on ICIS website.

Group I oil need to Prevail

Demand for Group I base oils from the marine industry will still remain despite the implementation of IMO 2020...


Sulphur Cap 2020 : ‘FONAR’ Guidance Awaited From IMO

  • ‘FONAR’ system to assist ships in their Regulation 18 declarations to state is still being processed by IMO.
  • From 1 January 2015, in ECAs established under MARPOL Annex VI, the sulphur limit for fuel oil used by ships was reduced to 0.1% from 3.5%.
  • No set fines or sanctions are established by IMO for non-compliance with their regulations, but will be for individual state signatories to decide.
  • Based on FONAR system that is already in use in the North American ECA, the USCG released a Q&A...


IMO 2020 : ExxonMobil Sights Marine Fuels Business Prospects

  • The IMO responsible for the safety and environmental performance of the shipping sector, has set sulphur cap to reduced sulfur emissions by over 80%.
  • ExxonMobil, the oil major views the IMO 2020 sulphur cap as an emerging opportunity and not an operational problem.
  • The company had been preparing for a low sulfur climate since 2015 and now their points of sales and infrastructure are planned with cost effective supply chain.
  • ExxonMobil is aspiring for the widest possible IMO 2020 compliant...


Shell & HES To Revive German Oil Refinery Ahead of IMO 2020

  • The sulphur cap set by the IMO from next year, to be one of the biggest fundamental events to hit oil markets in years.
  • Royal Dutch Shell with Dutch tank terminal firm HES International to restart a German oil refinery mothballed to meet new restrictions on marine fuels.
  • HES is in the process of reinstalling the VDU at Wilhelmshaven to produce LSFO ahead of the implementation of the IMO rules
  • The IMO sulphur restrictions will lead HSFO demand to fall 60% to 1.4 million bpd next year, while MGO...


Japan Supports Use of Open-loop Scrubbers

  • Japan concludes no scientific justification to ban open-loop scrubbers.
  • California and Connecticut in the US, Fujairah, Singapore, China have introduced regulations and jurisdictions to prevent discharge from open-loop scrubbers.
  • The issue raised is that open-loop scrubbers do not address environmental issues as they simply take sulfur out of the air and put it into the ocean.
  • Japan concluded that the discharge water with chemical substances such as SOx, PAHs and heavy metals cannot cause...


2020 Fuel Regulations – Implementation Guidelines from IMO

This Technical Update  from the Viswa Lab catalogues all the information made available from the IMO (International Maritime Organization) in order to help the implementation of the 2020 fuel regulations.

Ship Implementation Planning Guidance

This has been developed by IMO for consistent implementation of the MARPOL regulations coming into effect from 1st Jan 2020. This will carry sections on;

  • Risk assessment and mitigation plans
  • Fuel oil system modifications and tank cleaning
  • Fuel oil...


Fueling the sustainable transition of the shipping industry

One year from now, some 90,000 ships making up the world’s merchant fleet face new rules that will reduce sulphur emissions by around 80%. The benefits to human health and the environment will be significant and in delivering them, shipowners face one of the largest industry disruptions.

Shipping’s global sulphur cap is increasingly becoming the key topic in the industry. In reducing sulphur emissions, shipowners not only face steep increases in operating costs, but also tough challenges in...
