IMO MSC Adopts Resolution To Prioritize Seafarers Vaccination

  • The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the international Maritime Organization (IMO) has highlighted the need for seafarers to be given priority access to COVD-19 vaccines.
  • It recognizes  the unique and essential work of seafarers for international shipping and for the world.

IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee adopts recommended actions to prioritize seafarers in national COVID-19 vaccination programmes, reports IMO.

IMO MSC’s Adoption

The MSC adopted a resolution on“Recommended action to...

IMO Expected To Approve Methanol As Ship Fuel

  • IMO’s MSC expected to approve proposals to include methanol as marine fuel.
  • MSC 102 committee meetings to be held remotely from 4-11 November.
  • Adoption of ethyl and methyl alcohols, fuel cells and low-flashpoint diesel in the IGF Code.

IMO is set to pass a key milestone in developing and regulating methanol as an alternative marine fuel, says an article published in Riviera Maritime Media.

Methanol proposal approval

IMO’s delayed Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) is expected to approve proposals...

How IMO addresses cyber risk: An overview

The era of digitalization and rapid development of technologies in the maritime sector has called for immediate action, for the protection of the seafarers and the whole industry, which led the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to issue and implement a series of regulations and guidelines on cyber risk management, with, last but not least, the adoption of the Resolution MSC.428(98). This resolution calls companies to report any cyber risk in their ISM Code no later than January 1, 2021....

2020 Regulatory Agenda: What you should know

The year 2020 has been eagerly anticipated by the maritime industry for the switch to a low-sulphur fuel environment. However, from January 1st of 2020, there are other regulations that take effect as well apart from the IMO Sulphur cap.  Discussions during IMO Meeting and preparations have been ongoing and with immediate implementation, the first day of the year is expected to be dominated by many amendments to SOLAS Chapters, MARPOL Annexes and Code revisions.

The year ahead will inevitably be...

Beware of Benzene in VLSFO Fuels

Viswa Lab, in its latest technical update, shared the information that few of its customers have identified 10 ppm of benzene in bunker tanks. Benzene is classified as a carcinogen, which increases the risk of cancer and other illnesses. 

Identified level of Benzene

The customers have identified 10 ppm of benzene in bunker tanks when they were measuring the atmosphere for tank entry. 

After resorting to extended ventilation, another measurement gave a value of 3 ppm of benzene. 

Safety standards...

Key Draft Amendments and Guidelines Adopted in the 101st MSC Session

A few months ago, IMO sat for the 101st MSC session to discuss and draft regulations regarding potential issues pertaining to international shipping. In this session, few draft policies were adopted which are highlighted in the press briefing published on the IMO website.

Here are the draft policies adopted in the 101st MSC Session

Safety Certificate, SPS Equipment Recording etc.

Adopted amendments to the Safety Certificate and the Record of Equipment for the Special Purpose Ship (SPS) Safety...

IMO Issues Guidelines on Ship Safety in Polar Waters

IMO’s MSC press briefing highlights the polar ship safety issue as more and more ships are going for arctic voyages. A detailed press release published on the IMO website put forwards the basic guidance given by MSC.

What’s in the guidance issued?

The MSC approved guidance for navigation and communication equipment intended for use on ships operating in polar waters. The guidance includes recommendations on temperature and mechanical shock testing, and on how to address ice accretion and battery...

Interim Fuel and Ship Safety Measures Adopted At MSC 101st Session

In the 101st session of the Maritime Safety Committee, the International Maritime Organization adopted Interim measures for fuel and ship safety, says a press release published on their website.

What is it?

Following discussion on ship safety issues relating to the implementation of the 0.50% limit of the sulphur content of fuel oil (outside ECAs) and on enhancing the safety of ships relating to the use of fuel oil, the MSC adopted a resolution providing Recommended interim measures to enhance...

IMO’s MSC Approves Amendments To Improve Safety Communications

Maritime Safety Committee approves amendments to maritime safety information instruments and GMDSS provisions to improve emergency communications, reports Riviera Maritime Media.

Maritime safety communications shifts

This year has seen significant shifts in maritime safety communications as a second Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) takes shape and an emergency response network gets closer to fruition.

IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) approved amendments to SOLAS regulations...