Ban on heavy fuel oil in the Arctic

Since July 1, 2024, it has no longer been permissible for ships to sail on Heavy Fuel Oil in the Arctic.

The ban, adopted by the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) in June 2021, aims to protect the vulnerable Arctic waters from the risk of oil spills.

With the new ban, it will be illegal for ships to carry HFO as fuel in their tanks in the Arctic. However, the ban includes a transitional arrangement that allows ships with protected fuel tanks to use HFO until 2029.

This ban...

Captain Ian Finley receives IMO International Maritime Prize

Captain Ian Finley, Permanent Representative of the Cook Islands to IMO, has been selected as the recipient of the prestigious International Maritime Prize for 2023.

The International Maritime Prize is awarded annually by IMO to the individual or organization judged to have made a significant contribution to the work and objectives of the Organization.

As a delegate to IMO, representing Panama and latterly the Cook Islands, he has been an active participant in the development of virtually all...

ITF demands immediate action to ensure the safety of seafarers in the Red Sea

Yesterday was IMO’s Day of the Seafarer, with this year’s theme being “Navigating the Future – Safety First.” Both IMO Secretary General Arsenio Dominguez and UN Secretary General António Guterres marked the day with messages underscoring that seafarer safety is currently under grave threat from Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. And the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and seafarers’ unions demanded action on the issue.

Following is the text of the ITF statement:

The International...

VIDEO: Shipping industry appalled as Houthi attacks continue

Video has emerged showing the Houthi attack on the MV Tutor with an explosive laden drone boat. That attack eventually led to the sinking of the vessel, which has now been confirmed by UKMTO. That attack, and the subsequent attack on the MV Verbena, underscore the deadly nature of the ongoing attacks and shipping industry outrage and anguish is growing.

Efforts by CENTCOM to degrade Houthi capabilities continue. On June 19 it said: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces...

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