Building unnecessary stadia while slashing the freight infrastructure pipeline really won’t help

Pictured: an aerial overview of the Port of Burnie, Tasmania. Source: extracted from Google Maps.

Shipping Australia notes with disappointment the recent infrastructure funding announcements from the Federal Government.

It’s one thing to declare a review of previously announced but unfunded projects, as was done by the Federal infrastructure and transport Minister, Hon Catherine King MP on 01 May, but its another entirely to cut the infrastructure pipeline while the Prime Minister is committing...

Intermodal Terminal Company to invest $400m in Melbourne-based intermodal terminal

Pictured: an example of the rail / container interface at an Intermodal terminal. Photo credit: Jason Thompson via Unsplash.

Intermodal Terminal Company has announced imminent plans to build and operate a Somerton-based $400m intermodal terminal.

Somerton is a suburb of Melbourne, and the new terminal will be located at the Austrak Business Park, approximately 20km north of the Port of Melbourne; the park is also approximately 10km from Melbourne Airport. The Business Park is located near the...

Cash splash on new Melbourne intermodal freight terminal

Photo: a cash splash is underway! Photo: 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay.

Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has found a spare few billion dollars or so tucked down the back of the National Accounts for priority projects, two billion of which is earmarked for a new freight terminal in the north west of Melbourne. The budget papers specifically state:

“…Up to $2.0 billion for the Melbourne Intermodal Terminal, with specific funding arrangements, including an option for equity...