U.S. Flight III Destroyer Multiyear Deal Grows to 10 Ships, 3 Hulls Awarded in FY 2023

The future Flight III Arleigh Burke USS Ted Steves (DDG-128) launches at Ingalls Shipbuilding in August. HII Photo

The Navy is set to buy 10 Flight III Arleigh Burke guided-missile destroyers over the next five years after the service elected to award an extra Fiscal Year 2023 option ship to Ingalls Shipbuilding, USNI News has learned.

This month Naval Sea Systems Command awarded three detailed design and construction contracts for destroyers as part of a five-year deal to build the ships – two...


Navy Awards Ingalls 6 Flight III Arleigh Burke Destroyers, Bath Iron Works 3 as Part of 5 Year Deal

Jack H. Lucas (DDG-125) underway in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2023. HII Photo

HII Ingalls Shipbuilding and General Dynamics Bath Iron Works won contracts to build nine Arleigh Burke-class Flight III guided-missile destroyers (DDG-51) in a five-year deal, according to a Tuesday Pentagon announcement.

The Mississippi-based Ingalls Shipbuilding will build six of the nine Burkes from Fiscal Year 2023 to 2027 in the contract while BIW will build the other three, according to the announcement. The...


Maritime Security Vessel News Roundup | July 6 – Dutch and Belgian sub-hunting frigates, Estonian-built autonomous warships and more

Deliveries include inflatable boats for the Albanian military and an air-cushion landing craft for the US Navy. The US Coast Guard’s newest large cutter completes build ..

The post Maritime Security Vessel News Roundup | July 6 – Dutch and Belgian sub-hunting frigates, Estonian-built autonomous...


Ingalls, Navy Investigating Fire in Superstructure of Future Big Deck USS Bougainville

The hull of the futureUSS Bougainville (LHA-8) at Ingalls Shipbuilding on Aug. 4, 2022. USNI News Photo

HII’s Ingalls Shipbuilding and the Navy are investigating the cause of a fire on the future USS Bougainville (LHA-8), the shipyard said Friday.

The America-class big-deck amphibious ship, which is under construction at Ingalls in Pascagoula, Miss., experienced a fire that “was localized to a small number of compartments,” a shipyard spokesperson told USNI News.

“During second shift on Thursday...


Maritime Security Vessel News Roundup | June 29 – US Navy destroyers, Italian Navy support ship and more

The American and Australian navies acquire newbuild surface vessels while construction commences on a Russian minehunter and an Italian fleet support ship. Royal Australi ..

The post Maritime Security Vessel News Roundup | June 29 – US Navy destroyers, Italian Navy support ship and more appeared...


Navy Takes Delivery of First Flight III Destroyer Jack H. Lucas

Jack H. Lucas (DDG-125) underway in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2023. HII Photo

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Navy on Tuesday formally took delivery of the first Flight III Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer from HII’s Ingalls Shipbuilding.

Jack H. Lucas (DDG-125) delivered to the Navy after wrapping up acceptance trials in May in the Gulf of Mexico.

“On DDG-125, with the new combat system, new Spy-6 radar, we had four trials at sea to demonstrate the requirements of the ship and the mission...


GAO Report on Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter

The following is the June 20, 2023, Government Accountability Office, U.S. Coast Guard Acquisitions: Offshore Patrol Cutter Program Needs to Mature Technology and Design.

From the report

What GAO Found

In October 2020, GAO found that the Offshore Patrol Cutter (OPC) program started construction on the lead ship with an unstable design. In this report, GAO found that the Coast Guard continues its approach of progressing through the technology development, design, and construction phases...


VIDEO: Navy Commissions Destroyer USS Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee in Key West

USS Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee (DDG-123) sits at Naval Air Station Key West’s Truman Harbor on May 8, 2023. US Navy Photo

One of the last of the Navy’s Flight IIA Arleigh Burke guided-missile destroyers was commissioned in a ceremony on Saturday.

USS Lenah Sutcliffe Higbee (DDG-123) formally entered the fleet during a ceremony in Key West, Fla.

Higbee was the second superintendent of the Navy Nurse Corps during World War I and the influenza pandemic, according to a 2017 piece in Naval History Magazine....


Report to Congress on U.S. Amphibious Warship Programs

The following is the March 31, 2023, Congressional Research Service report, Navy LPD-17 Flight II and LHA Amphibious Ship Programs: Background and Issues for Congress.

From the report

The Navy is currently building two types of amphibious ships: LPD-17 Flight II class amphibious ships, and LHA-type amphibious assault ships. Both types are built by Huntington Ingalls Industries/Ingalls Shipbuilding (HII/Ingalls) of Pascagoula, MS. Required numbers and types of amphibious ships are reportedly...
