Allianz’s Predictions On 2023 Shipping Industry

  • Allianz predicts that the shipping sector’s revenue will jump by 19% year over year, and its operating cash flow will grow by 8%.
  • It is predicted that container shipping companies would further deleverage in 2022 and 2023.

2022 to set records for container shipping companies, reports Allianz.


The insurer forecasts that the shipping sector’s revenue will leap by 19% year over year, and its operating cash flow will rise by 8%. It said that freight rates are likely to remain lofty in 2023...

Technology to Combat Container Fires in Shipping Industry

  • Fire safety has become a major concern in the container shipping industry, in particular, with vessels of 20,000-TEU and more entering the market.
  • A fire in just one container can have catastrophic implications for the whole of the cargo.
  • The very nature of container shipping means that the cargoes are in general finished goods of high value.
  • Insurer Allianz gives the example of a March 2018 fire onboard the Maersk Honam southeast of Oman.
  •  At the time the ship was carrying 7,860 containers,...