IMRF marks International Women in Engineering Day with STEM Toolkit for maritime SAR

IMRF marks International Women in Engineering Day with STEM Toolkit for maritime SAR

Theresa Crossley, CEO IMRF

Today, Wednesday 23 June, is International Women in Engineering Day and to mark this important date the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) has launched a range of resources to inspire the next generation of women to get involved in maritime search and rescue (SAR). The resources are aimed both at women starting out to choose a career, as well as women considering a career...

IMRF delivers tailored training to boost maritime SAR capabilities across Africa

Image shows the course attendees taking part in a practical exercise as part of the course.

IMRF delivers tailored training to boost maritime SAR capabilities across Africa

The International Maritime Rescue Federation has held a basic rescue boat operating course, in conjunction with the RNLI, specifically tailored and structured for maritime SAR (search and rescue) professionals from Africa.

The teaching is designed to be a ‘train the trainer’ course, so the participants will return home and...

World’s maritime search and rescue experts gather in Vancouver

Theresa Crossley, CEO IMRF

World’s maritime search and rescue experts gather in Vancouver

Some of the world’s leading maritime search and rescue experts will be meeting in Vancouver, Canada to share knowledge and improve their skills this weekend (15-18 June). Every year around 360,000 people are believed to drown and the International Maritime Rescue Federation’s World Maritime Rescue Congress (WMRC 2019) is seeking ways to reduce this number. Experts attending from 34 countries will share...

Maritime SAR organisations urged to celebrate successful rescue operations

Image shows a recent maritime search and rescue training exercise organised by the IMRF.

Maritime SAR organisations urged to celebrate successful rescue operations

Exceptional actions deserve international recognition in the IMRF Awards 2019

“Every day all around the world, maritime search and rescue (SAR) volunteers and professionals do everything they can to help those in distress at sea. It’s a tradition as old as anyone can remember and enshrined in international and maritime law – but we...

Celebrating women in maritime search and rescue

Theresa Crossley, CEO IMRF

Celebrating women in maritime search and rescue

Women are helping to save lives at sea every day all around the world

“There are women in lifeboat crews, women leading national and international search and rescue organisations and women developing innovative technologies to help save lives at sea – on International Women’s Day, just like any other day – women are making a real difference to maritime search and rescue (SAR) all around the world”, says Theresa Crossley,...