European policy-makers remain cautious on CBDC technology

European policy-makers remain cautious on CBDC technology

Friday 10 December 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.49.5

Commentary: CBDC debate in Europe foundering on endemic complexity

By Katie-Ann Wilson and John Orchard

European policy-makers have more clarity on the need for retail central bank digital currency than wholesale, but remain cautious about moving too quickly on either. Discussions on CBDC for consumers have centred around the important role of public policy in offering central bank money in retail...

Central banks have everything they need to stop inflation acceleration

Central banks have everything they need to stop inflation acceleration

Thursday 2 December 2021 Vol.12 Ed.48.4

Commentary: ECB should keep eyes on inflation prize

By Agnès Belaisch and Matteo Cominetta

Should central banks tighten early to combat inflation at the risk of triggering a serious slowdown, or risk higher inflation while propelling growth? This trade-off is easy to face for the European Central Bank. Excluding energy, all components of the euro area inflation basket have grown in line...