Vessel orders cause market paradox of falling demand and rates

Market analytics platform Xeneta has analysed the apparent contradiction in container shipping which has seen rising demand met with falling freight rates.

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Mary Anne Evans
Correspondent at Large

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Michelin’s WISAMO Inflatable Wing Sail Receives First AiP

Credit: DNV

DNV awards Michelin first AiP for WISAMO inflatable wing sail, states a DNV news source.

AiP to Michelin for their WISAMO wing sail system

Classification society DNV has awarded an AiP to Michelin for their WISAMO wing sail system. This is the first AiP to have been awarded to an inflatable wing sail design and is currently being installed for testing on the DNV classed MN Pélican.

First introduced in 2021, the WISAMO sail is an inflatable, retractable, automated wing sail which can be...