UN Organizations Urge Prioritization of Seafarer Vaccinations

Unite Nations organizations last week issued a joint call for the world’s seafarers to be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination, stressing their key role in supporting global trade, reads the World Health Organization website.

The heads of five UN organizations have called for maritime and air transport workers to be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccination.

Vaccination priority for key workers

Seafarers and aircrew are key workers, required to travel across borders, which may—though contrary to WHO...


Joint Statement calling on all Governments to immediately recognize seafarers as keyworkers, and to address the humanitarian crisis faced by the shipping sector

Joint Statement calling on all Governments to immediately recognize seafarers as keyworkers, and to address the humanitarian crisis faced by the shipping sector

UN entities issue joint statement to urge action on the crew change crisis

Download here http://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/HotTopics/Documents/COVID%20CL%204204%20adds/Circular%20Letter%20No.4204Add.30%20Joint%20Statement%20Seafarers.pdf

The Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Secretary-General of the...


ICS and Partners Urge To End Humanitarian Crisis Onboard Ship

  • ICS, UNHCR, and IOM are calling for the immediate disembarkation of 27 rescued people trapped onboard a cargo ship.
  • The distraught group, including one child and a pregnant woman, have now been onboard the Maersk Etienne for more than one month.
  • IOM and UNHCR have long called on states to move away from the current ad hoc approach and establish a scheme to take equal responsibility in providing safety.
  • International law and maritime conventions place clear obligations on ships and coastal...


IOM Ship Registry Launches Seafarer Welfare App During COVID-19 Crisis

  • The Isle of Man Ship Registry is set to launch the first-ever seafarer welfare app designed by a ship registry.
  • Set to launch in July 2020, the app will be free to around 11,000 seafarers sailing on more than 400 vessels under the Isle of Man flag.

One of the world’s leading flag states, the Isle of Man Ship Registry, is set to launch the first ever seafarer welfare app designed by a ship registry, reports Tanker Operator.

Seafarer welfare app

IOM director Cameron Mitchell reports that the app...
