Here Is What To Expect At The Apple’s iPhone 14 Event

  • Apple is holding a launch event at its headquarters in Cupertino, California, on Sept. 7.
  • The company is expected to announce new iPhone models, as it has every September since 2012.

Apple is holding a launch event at its headquarters in Cupertino, California, on Wednesday where it will unveil its latest hardware products, including the new iPhone 14, reports CNBC.

A launch event

Apple has used prerecorded videos for its launch events since early 2020 thanks partly to Covid restrictions, and...

156 Lena Gothberg, Host and Producer, Shipping Podcast

Welcome to a short and sweet solo episode with Lena Gothberg, the Host and Producer of the Shipping Podcast.

It’s the 156th episode of the Shipping Podcast, and I guide you through the audio jungle of how to listen to a podcast. She recommends the Overcast app but has suggestions to both iOs and Android users.

Please sign up for the Shipping Podcast newsletter and help grow the audience. Also, spread the word about the Shipping Podcast to everyone that you meet. I aim for the top-lists, so more...

Precious Info on Yachting Around the Endless Greek Islands

Island-hopping in Greece is best enjoyed in the quintessentially local way: yachting. Recreational sailing is possible year-round, weather permitting, from as early as April to as late as November. There are an estimated 1,200 to 6,000 islands in Greece (depending on where you set the minimum size that differentiates an island from an islet), of which between 166 and 277 are inhabited.  Eighty of these islands have more than 100 residents and around 30 of them are visited by tourists on a...