Freight Derivatives and Iron Ore Futures Volumes Soar

  • The macro-economic factors and the tragic events in Brazil along with uncertain US-China trade relations heightened uncertainty and created trading opportunities.
  • The total impact on the FFA market was to increase combined FFA volumes by 44% in the year to date 2019.
  • Brazil’s exports curtailed with export demand switching decisively to Australia.
  • China set to import 60% of Australian production and 70% of global seaborne trade volumes of 1.5bn tonnes in 2019.
  • Iron ore price prediction for 2019...

Σε κρίση η προσφορά iron ore της Βραζιλίας το 2019;

Οι διά θαλάσσης εμπορευματικές ροές περίπου 8 εκατ. τόνων σιδηρομεταλλεύματος από τη Βραζιλία θα τεθούν σε «κίνδυνο» το 2019 χωρίς οι απώλειες αυτές να λαμβάνουν υπόψη την πρόσφατη κατάρρευση φράγματος της Vale, σημειώνει σε πρόσφατη έκθεσή της η Wood Mackenzie.

Όπως αναφέρεται στην έκθεση, η βραζιλιάνικη κυβέρνηση εφάρμοσε μέτρα για την απαγόρευση κατασκευής φραγμάτων στα βραζιλιάνικα ορυχεία μετά το πρόσφατο δυστυχές γεγονός στο ορυχείο Brumadinho, με συνέπεια να επηρεαστεί σημαντικά η...

Drewry: Global economy threats capesize demand in China

Drewry published an analysis on iron ore inventories at Chinese ports and the uncertainty that exists at the global economy that threatens the demand of capesizes. Rahul Sharan, Drewry’s Lead Research Analyst, expects that the demand for capesizes in 2019 will be proportional to iron ore inventories at Chinese ports. Even though China’s steel production will rise in 2019, a further fall in iron ore inventories could adversely affect the demand for dry bulk vessels.

Mainly, Chinese iron ore...

Drewry: High iron ore inventories at China, economic uncertainty threaten Capesizes

High iron ore inventories at Chinese ports and uncertainty in the global economy are putting the demand for Capesizes at risk. Drewry believes that demand for Capesizes in 2019 will be proportional to iron ore inventories at Chinese ports. Despite the fact that Chinese steel production will increase in 2019, a further reduction in iron ore inventories could negatively affect the demand for dry bulk vessels.

As Rahul Sharan, Lead Research Analyst, Dry Bulk informs that in 2018, China’s iron ore...

Port of Rotterdam sees its container throughput increase

Port of Rotterdam’s throughput in 2018 resulted to 469.0 million tonnes, a little bit higher than 2017. Container transhipment reached a 4.5% increase in tonnage, whereas measured in TEUs, the standard unit for containers, increased by 5.7% and the annual total was 14.5 million TEUs.

Mainly, despite the increase in container transhipment, the crude oil, mineral oil products and agribulk decreased. In comparison the throughput of LNG increased by 163.6% and biomass saw a 31.6% rise.

The Port...

Jan De Nul to start key dredging works in Australia

The Pilbara Ports Authority will cooperate with Jan De Nul Group to dredge the channel and further improve the safe and sustainable access to the Port of Port Hedland. The project is part of the Channel Risk and Optimisation Project that aims to sustain the long-operation, development, and future growth of the port.

For a long time Jan De Nul Group is being the lead contractor of the majority of the dredging projects and the maintenance dredging works within the port precinct of Port Hedland.


Port Hedland’s iron ore shipments to China increase by 14% in December

According to Reuters, iron ore shipments from Australia’s port of Hedland terminal to China, experienced an increase by 14% in December from the previous month as shown by the port’s data.

Mainly, the Port of Port Hedland is the world’s largest bulk export port and is located in the East Pilbara region of WA, about 1,650 kilometres north of Perth. Trade through the port mostly consists of iron ore exports.

Moreover, iron ore shipments to China from the world’s biggest iron ore port reached an...

China’s iron ore imports decrease for second month

China’s iron ore imports decreased for a second month in November, driven mainly by reduced restocking demand at steel mills due to narrow profit margins. Namely, China imported 86.25 million tonnes of iron, which is a decrease of 2.4% from October.

The globe’s top steel producer brought in 86.25 million tons of iron ore last month, down 2.4% from 88.4 million tons in October and down 8.8 5% from 94.54 million tons a year earlier, data from the General Administration of Customs showed.
