The phone remains a useful weapon against fraud, advises ITIC

The phone remains a useful weapon against fraud, advises ITIC

Cyber-crime connected with fraudulent demands for payments continue to plague the maritime sector as a large claim handled by the International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC) demonstrates.

A ship manager received an email from a shipyard detailing the first payment that was due for agreed repairs. The ship manager scheduled the payment but on the day before the monies were to be released, the ship manager received a further mail....

Owner claims against manager for failure to update ballast water management plan

FAILURE to keep a proper onboard record of regulatory and legislative changes can have costly consequences for shipowners and their intermediaries, as evidenced by a claim recently handled by International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC).

The crew of a ship which frequently traded to US ports found themselves in contravention of state legislation when they conducted deballasting operations enroute to California more than 50 nautical miles out from the California coast. Such an operation had...