New Solution Launched To Track Dark Shipping

william william/Unsplash

Spire Global, Inc., a provider of space-based data, analytics and space services, unveiled a dark shipping detection solution to track vessels that manipulate their reported position in order to conceal nefarious activities, says an article published on Marine Link.

Monitor individual

The Automatic Identification System (AIS) on a vessel helps avoid collisions at sea, track global shipping trends and monitor individual vessel activity; but crew members on board can...

Why Do Pirate Attacks Occur?

In early 1991 a few miles off of the coast of Somalia—just as Mohamed Siad Barre’s dictatorship was collapsing—the merchant vessel Naviluck was attacked by three boatloads of men who killed some of the ship’s crew members, set it on fire, and sank it, reports Brookings.

A attack by locals

The attackers did not try to steal cargo, hold hostages, or collect ransom. More than likely, coastal residents who had grown hostile towards foreign vessels decided to take matters into their own hands.

Prior to...

Tensions Continue To Rise With The Deteriorating Security In The Gulf Of Guinea

The recent news headline said it all: “Pirates kidnap 15 Turkish sailors in attack on container ship” off the Nigerian coast in the Gulf of Guinea. A vast maritime zone of 2.3 million square kilometers and 5700 kilometers of coastline with considerable economic wealth, the Gulf of Guinea has recently been plagued by a succession of acts of piracy, making this maritime space one of the most dangerous and unstable in the world, reports Defence Web.

Declining security situation

While Europe and the...

Signs of Global Action on the Horizon to Stem Fishing Deaths and Injuries

Jeremy Prain

Despite the estimated 24 million injuries and 24 000 mortalities every year on commercial fishing vessels worldwide, the fishing industry remains almost entirely unregulated and continues to be one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Yet there are glimmers of hope that global action on fishing vessel safety is on the horizon, says marine law expert Jeremy Prain.

“While early attempts at an international convention on fishing safety foundered, the International Maritime Organization...