Airport congestion masks softening in trans-Atlantic air cargo

A large cargo pallet on the tarmac waiting to be loaded in the open door of a large jet.

The cargo holds of aircraft flying between Europe and North America are less full than a month ago as the number of passenger flights swells and shipping demand softens, but supply chain friction and high jet fuel prices are artificially propping up freight rates in a declining market, according to logistics experts.

Cargo owners could enjoy considerable pricing relief in the months ahead if airport constraints get better, Niall van de Wouw, co-founder and managing director of analytics firm...

Russia sanctions cut both ways for air cargo

A Lufthansa Cargo jet with containers waiting on the tarmac for loading.

The fallout from tit-for-tat aviation sanctions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is starting to have an impact on the air cargo and airline sectors, with Russian airspace now off-limits to most Western carriers.

Finnair said Thursday it is considering additional furloughs of up to 90 days after having to reduce flight activity because its aircraft can no longer land in, or overfly, Russia. From 90 to 200 pilots and 150 to 450 cabin crew employees could be impacted, starting in April. Final...

Ukraine crisis creates logistics headaches for air cargo, airlines

A white Finnair jet flying high above mountains, approaching camera.

Airspace restrictions from the economic war between the West and Russia over the invasion of Ukraine is adding logistical complexity and cost for the air cargo sector and passenger airlines still coping with COVID-related ups and downs in business activity. The conflict is also driving up the price of fuel, which represents a quarter or more of airlines’ cost base.

The European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Baltic and Nordic states in recent days have barred all Russian-owned,...

COP26 climate event highlights airlines’ move toward cleaner jet fuel

A Qatar Airways cargo plane being refueled by a tanker truck.

The move toward sustainable aviation fuels gained momentum this week as cargo and passenger airline interests, in conjunction with the U.N. climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, took more steps to meet the new goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The aviation sector accounts for 2.5% of global CO2 emissions, which are expected to rise rapidly with the Department of Energy projecting jet fuel use will double in 30 years. Airlines increasingly realize that their long-term survival...

Ισχυρή η αύξηση της ζήτησης πετρελαϊκών παραγώγων έως το 2026

Την ετήσια έκθεσή του World Oil Outlook, η οποία επικεντρώνεται στην αγορά πετρελαίου, δημοσίευσε ο OPEC. Μεταξύ άλλων, ο OPEC υπογραμμίζει τον αντίκτυπο της πανδημίας στη ζήτηση πετρελαϊκών παραγώγων. Ενδεικτικά, ενώ τα περισσότερα πετρελαϊκά παράγωγα κατέγραψαν μικρή μείωση στη ζήτησή τους, της τάξεως των 0,2-0,4 εκατ. βαρελιών/ημέρα, jet fuel, βενζίνη και ντίζελ σημείωσαν αρκετά μεγαλύτερη μείωση στη ζήτησή τους, της τάξεως των 2-3 εκατ. βαρελιών/ημέρα το 2020.

Σε ένα γενικότερο πλαίσιο, η...

Asia Crude Oil: Key Market Indicators May 31-June 4

The Asian middle distillates complex is expected to continue to see the divergence in the week started May 30, reports Platts.

In the gasoil sector, industry sources said the demand recovery in Europe is likely to offset sluggish demand in Asia, while limitations to air travel because of pandemic-related restrictions would continue to weigh on the jet fuel/kerosene market.

Jet fuel/kerosene

The front-month June-July jet fuel/kerosene time spread remained steady day on the day at minus 25 cents/b...

Rising jet fuel price puts extra pressure on airfreight sector

A gray Qatar Airways jet being refueled by a truck.

The rising price of jet fuel this year is further burdening companies with airfreight shipments and could reduce limited capacity if passenger airlines opt to scuttle cargo-only flights temporarily operated since the start of the pandemic, industry officials say.

The average price for jet fuel closed Friday at $66.90 per barrel or $1.59 per gallon, more than double the cost (70 cents a gallon) to refuel an aircraft 12 months ago and nearly as expensive as before the global crisis, according to...

Crude Oil Futures Edge Higher on Optimism Over OPEC+ Meeting

Crude oil futures edged higher during mid-morning trade in Asia March 30 as optimism over the OPEC+ coalition persisting with its supply cuts and expectations of increased downstream products demand supported the market, although a stronger US dollar limited the upside, reports Platts.

Sweet Crude Contract

At 10:49 am Singapore time (0249 GMT), the ICE Brent May contract was up 16 cents/b (0.25%) from the March 29 settle at $65.14/b, while the May NYMEX light sweet crude contract was 19 cent/b...

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