Squelch high CSA scores to broaden your insurance options

Sometimes it’s best not to be in the upper percentile. That is certainly the case for Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) BASICs scores. Not only do the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and curious shippers regularly view this information, but these scores also play a major role in determining whether or not a motor carrier or owner-operator will be classified as a high risk to insurers.

Insurance rates are on the rise thanks to factors such as distracted driving and...


Excess insurance seemingly unattainable thanks to rising rates

Truck accident

You’d be hard-pressed to find a trucker who doesn’t think bloated insurance rates are an issue. With the rise of “nuclear verdicts” against trucking fleets, the ever-present danger of distracted driving, and legislative pressure to further regulate the industry, it’s no wonder insurance premiums are stuck in the clouds.

For the most part, motor carriers grin and bear it when it comes to purchasing or renewing their insurance policies. However with certain coverages like excess liability, some...
