ClassNK & 22 Industry Players Kick Off Ammonia Fuel Studies

Industry players set up “Joint Study” framework for studying common issues on ammonia as an alternative marine fuel, to get ready to IMO’s decarbonization targets, including energy, mining, power utility, chemical, terminal, shipping, shipbuilding, manufacture, bunkering, and classification society, reads a ClassNK press release.

Ammonia as an alternative fuel

Parties of total 23 companies including ClassNK have entered into a memorandum of understanding on joint study of common issues on ammonia...

Joint Study To Get Ready To IMO’s Decarbonization Targets

Industry players set up “Joint Study” framework for studying common issues on ammonia as an alternative marine fuel, to get ready to IMO’s decarbonization targets, including energy, mining, power utility, chemical, terminal, shipping, shipbuilding, manufacture, bunkering, and classification society, says a press release published on their website.

Memorandum of Understanding

Parties of total 23 companies including ClassNK have entered into a memorandum of understanding on joint study of common...