194 Kate D Adamson, Blue Futurist, Futurenautics

The Blue Economy  
Part 2 of my conversation with Kate D Adamson focuses on what ESG means for the shipping and maritime industry. 

We need to start talking about the Blue Economy and what opportunities lay there instead of the segments of everything like we do today. Once we change our mindset, that’s when we can become a sustainable industry.

Kate underlines that we need to pivot. We do that by

  • Purpose/Values
  • Interdependence
  • Openness
  • Trust

There are so many titbits in this episode. It’s worth...


193 Kate D Adamson, Blue Futurist, Futurenautics

The new morale age

Welcoming Kate D Adamson back to the Shipping Podcast, she dives deep into the current paradigm shift. She speaks about changing expectations among stakeholders and difficult choices that have to be made.

This is the first part of my conversation with Kate; the second part will be released on August 12, 2022.

Give us a shoutout on social media if you agree or disagree with our discussion. Thanks for listening.

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