Experts expound practical aspects of collision claims to underwriters and average adjusters

Michiel Starmans of Spliethoff (chairman of the Association of Average Adjusters); Alistair Johnston, partner at CJC Law; and Chris Zavos, partner at Kennedys.

London, Monday 28th March 2022:   A raft of consequences faces shipowners, insurers, and adjusters in dealing with the aftermath of ship collisions, speakers at the latest joint seminar in London of the Association of Average Adjusters and the International Underwriting Association made clear.

Casualties harbour potential cost implications...

2022 marine, aviation and logistics forecast: trends and future risks

2021 saw the marine and aviation insurance industry grapple with a multitude of challenges including pandemic impacts, disruptive technology and climate-related risks. 

These challenges will continue throughout 2022. Adapting to new technologies and achieving net zero will be central to the insurance agenda, as will the shifting geopolitical landscape.

In our latest report, 2022 marine, aviation and logistics forecast: trends and future risks, Kennedys experts highlight some key legal and...

Kennedys launches Perth office in Australia with new lateral insurance team

Kennedys launches Perth office in Australia with new lateral insurance team

We are delighted to announce that we have opened a new office in Perth in Australia and that Jonathan Wyatt and his team of nine from Clyde & Co have joined the firm. 

Jonathan is an experienced insurance partner, highly regarded for his expertise in marine, liability and property matters in particular, in Australia and the London Market. He is joined by his team of eight legal staff, many of whom have worked together for...

Brillante Virtuoso – an extraordinary attempt at maritime insurance fraud

Brillante Virtuoso – an extraordinary attempt at maritime insurance fraudThe High Court has today handed down its highly-anticipated judgment in the case of the Brillante Virtuoso – an extraordinary attempt at maritime insurance fraud.

The alleged attack on the Brillante Virtuoso – some 10-12 miles off Aden on the night of 5-6 July 2011 – was no pirate attack. The original account was that in an attack by Somali pirates, the vessel had been hit by RPG and caught fire. War risks underwriters were...