Vinssen earns AiP certification for Korea’s first hydrogen propulsion tug

Vinssen Co. Ltd., a maritime decarbonization technology specialist focused on hydrogen fuel cells and supporting systems, has received the Approval in Principle (AiP) certification from the Korean Register for Korea’s first tugboat featuring a hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system.

This certification marks a significant milestone in the development of eco-friendly technologies, initiated through an MoU with KRE, leader in ship design, retrofit engineering, and maritime infrastructure...

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Hapag-Lloyd excluido de la licitación de HMM, los consorcios coreanos avanzan

Según tres fuentes locales en Corea, Hapag-Lloyd ha sido excluido de la licitación de HMM a medida que los consorcios coreanos avanzan.

Esta entrada ACTUALIZACIÓN: Hapag-Lloyd excluido de la licitación de HMM, los consorcios coreanos avanzan Aparece primero en FullAvanteNews.

HMM: las ganancias operativas disminuyen antes de la privatización, cinco compradores potenciales

Las ganancias más bajas desde que golpeó la pandemia en 2020 impactan a HMM en medio de la privatización de cinco compradores potenciales, informan los analistas.

Esta entrada HMM: las ganancias operativas disminuyen antes de la privatización, cinco compradores potenciales Aparece primero en FullAvan...

This Shipping Giant To Buy HMM But Not For Over $3.5 bn

Credit: Export Org UK

SM Group has enough financial ammunition to buy the country’s No. 1 container shipping line HMM Co. but would not join the bid for the latter’s controlling stake if its price tag is more than 4.5 trillion won ($3.5 billion), said the chairman of South Korea’s 30th-largest conglomerate, reports The Korea Economic Daily.

Race for HMM

“[SM Group] will immediately jump into the race for HMM once its sale is officially announced,” SM Group Chairman Woo Oh-hyun said during an...

Makin Island ARG Docks in Busan, 3 LCS Now Underway in Indo-PACOM

USS Makin Island (LHD-8) conducts a photo exercise and replenishment-at-sea with the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Chung Hoon (DDG 93), March 15, 2023. US Navy Photo

The Makin Island Amphibious Group (ARG) docked at the port of Busan in the Republic of Korea (ROK) as part of their participation in the U.S.-ROK Exercise Ssangyong this week.

Exercise Ssangyong was on hiatus since 2018 after the previous Moon Jae-in government suspended major U.S.- Republic of Korea military exercises to lower...