HMM adds third ad hoc Busan-LA sailing

South Korean liner operator HMM will offer an ad hoc Busan-Los Angeles container service for the third straight month.

Following a meeting organised by Korea International Trade Association between liner operators and South Korean shippers on 28 September 2020, HMM said it will deploy HMM Vancouver, which at 6,300TEU is larger than the 4,600TEU HMM Integral and 5,000TEU HMM Prestige that were deployed in August and September respectively.

HMM’s third Busan-Los Angeles trip will be launched at the...

KITA and KSA discuss tough Pacific trading conditions

Liner operators have told South Korean shippers that it will not be easy to solve Transpacific container capacity issues, in a meeting last week.

The Korea International Trade Association (KITA) initiated a meeting with representatives of various liner operators on 24 September, through the Korea Shipowners’ Association (KSA), to discuss rising Transpacific rates, which have come to the attention of both China’s Ministry of Transport and the US Federal Maritime Commission.

The shippers complained...