Carriers big and small at TCA wait for signs of freight market turnaround

PHOENIX – If there was a freight market bull at the annual meeting of the Truckload Carriers Association, that person was keeping pretty quiet. 

Conversations from the stage, at receptions and at meals had a consistent theme: Can you believe we’re still talking about this freight recession? In 2025? Didn’t we say at this meeting last year that things would be better by the end of 2024? 

At the Large Carrier panel, Dave Williams, senior vice president of equipment and government relations at...

Landstar model partially insulated from spot rate chaos

A blue rig hauling a Landstar trailer on the highway

Freight broker Landstar System achieved more financial records during the 2022 first quarter. Fresh highs in revenue, gross profit and net income were some of the highlights. The Jacksonville, Florida-based company reported earnings per share of $3.34 in the quarter, well ahead of the initial guidance range of $2.70 to $2.80 provided at the end of January.

President and CEO Jim Gattoni addressed recent weakness in the spot truckload market on a call with analysts Thursday. He said the declines...

El modelo Landstar se aísla parcialmente del caos de los tipos de interés al contado

A blue rig hauling a Landstar trailer on the highway

El corredor de mercancías Landstar System logró más récords financieros durante el primer trimestre de 2022. Los nuevos máximos en ingresos, beneficios brutos e ingresos netos fueron algunos de los aspectos más destacados. La empresa con sede en Jacksonville (Florida) registró un beneficio por acción de 3,34 dólares en el trimestre, muy por encima del rango de orientación inicial de 2,70 a 2,80 dólares facilitado a finales de enero.

El presidente y consejero delegado, Jim Gattoni, se refirió a...