Suecia se apodera de la nave sospecha de estar detrás de la última interrupción del cable báltico


OTAN La Fiscalía sueca ha incautado un barco sospechoso de dañar ayer el cable submarino de fibra óptica que une Letonia y la isla sueca de Gotland, el último de una serie de ataques de sabotaje submarino que asolan la región del Báltico. El barco en cuestión esta vez es un granelero de 32.200 TPM...

Latvians showcase first-ever fully-functioning 5G maritime connectivity concept

Latvian mobile innovator and telco operator LMT, in collaboration with Latvian port technical services provider LVR Fleet, has conducted a successful 5G maritime connectivity concept demonstration. It showcased fully functioning 5G network connectivity from shore to ship, between ships, and between...

EU grants project of common interest status to CCS scheme in Latvia and Lithuania

The European Commission has granted the status of project of common interest (PCI) to the CO2 capture and transportation project in Lithuania and Latvia developed by the CCS Baltic Consortium. The consortium consists of Akmenės Cementas, KN Energies, Larvik Shipping, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), and...

Eastern European Navies Expand as Russian Occupation of Ukraine Drags On

The launch of the Ada-class corvette, Hetman Ivan Mazepa, for the Ukrainian Navy. The Ada-class corvettes were first developed for the Turkish Navy under its MILGEM program and have four ships in service. Office of the President of Ukraine

Eastern European countries continue to bolster their naval forces prompted by Russia’s invasion into Ukraine.

Even with small coastlines and limited operations in the confined waters of the Baltic and Black Seas, the maritime domain is a major factor for...