Sudshare wants to be the Uber for laundry

Doing laundry, like enduring telemarketers or slow internet, is universally hated. At the same time, a society without laundry would be a dystopian one –– a world where lawyers and doctors and politicians were constantly distracted by bad smells and marinara sauce stains.

But imagine your laundry still getting done without your having to do anything. That’s the paradise that on-demand laundry service SudShare has in mind.

Billing itself as Uber for laundry, SudShare boasts a nationwide presence...

This drone wants your dirty laundry

There are plenty of use cases for drones, and many companies are working to find them. A University of Maryland Medical Center team used a drone to deliver a human organ for transplant. Flytrex is delivering Starbucks and Dairy Queen products in North Carolina; Wingcopter is delivering COVID-related medical supplies; and even golf courses are getting in on the action. In Arizona, AgEagle and Valqari have teamed up to test the on-demand delivery of beverages to holes on a course.

But in the U.K.,...