Transportation, logistics M&A not slowing down

Multiple trucks on the highway

M&A activity in the supply chain remains robust even as the freight industry enters the downside of the cycle. Multiple quarters of record earnings and cash flow generation have provided transportation companies the opportunity to solve for capacity, headcount and other supply constraints through acquisition. Providers are also continuing to diversify their offerings to mitigate cyclicality.

“We’ve never been busier — ever,” Peter Stefanovich, president at Left Lane Associates, told...

Drilling Deep: Acquisition market for brokerages is pretty hot

On this week’s Drilling Deep podcast, Peter Stefanovich of Left Lane Associates gives listeners an overview of the market for buying and selling all sorts of trucking-related assets, with a particular focus on how the demand for brokerages is doing.

Also on the podcast, host John Kingston looks at whether a lot of the reason oil prices are rising is that diesel is dragging it there.

More articles by John Kingston

Drilling Deep: What tax returns said about trucker pay in 2021

Drilling Deep: The case...

TIA panel to freight brokerages: Limit risk as buyers flow into market

SAN DIEGO — Reducing risk at a brokerage is important, even more so now that so much private equity and so many asset-heavy carriers are hot for the space.

That message came through at a panel at the Transportation Intermediaries Association annual meeting, the first in three years. The panel’s relatively bland title was “Key legal issues between brokers and motor carriers,” but it was more like two panels in one.

The first part did discuss ways to mitigate risks, both legal and those a buyer...

Por qué las fusiones y adquisiciones en el sector del transporte podrían aumentar en 2022

The need for trucks and drivers is being solved through M&A

Las adquisiciones en todo el complejo de la cadena de suministro fueron abundantes en 2021. Las tasas de flete y los márgenes récord impulsaron las ganancias a nuevos máximos para los proveedores de transporte, creando un punto alto potencial para que los vendedores salgan y una abundancia de flujo de efectivo libre para que los compradores lo desplieguen.

Los transportistas utilizaron las fusiones y adquisiciones para añadir a sus redes equipos y conductores difíciles de encontrar, y algunos...

Why transportation M&A could step higher in 2022

The need for trucks and drivers is being solved through M&A

Acquisitions throughout the supply chain complex were plentiful in 2021. Record freight rates and margins drove earnings to new highs for transportation providers, creating a potential high point for sellers to exit and an abundance of free cash flow for buyers to deploy.

Carriers used M&A to add hard-to-find equipment and drivers to their networks and some were able to bolt on complementary offerings in adjacent modes. Shippers with large supply chains focused on regaining control after several...

Canadian carrier ‘plays to win’ with acquisition during pandemic slowdown

A tractor-trailer from Joseph Haulage Canada

Canadian carrier Joseph Haulage Canada has acquired Bergland Transport, a small cross-border trucking company serving the agriculture and food sectors.

The Ontario-based carriers closed the deal on Friday. The acquisition builds on Joseph’s diverse fleet of 350 trucks, which handle haulage and specialized bulk transport.

The deal marks one of the few acquisitions amid the slowdown in Canadian transport M&A activity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have a motto: We should never let a crisis go to...