New Water on Deck Damage Stability Requirements for Ro-Ro Passenger Ships

The European Union has introduced Directive 2023/946, updating the “water on deck” damage stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships. This amendment aligns EU standards with the stricter provisions outlined in SOLAS 2020.

Key Applicability

Effective December 5, 2024, the directive applies to both new and existing ro-ro passenger ships on international voyages to or from EU Member State ports, provided they were not previously certified under Directive 2003/25/EC or the new directive.


Understanding Liability in US Maritime Law Under 46 U.S.C. § 30501

In maritime law, vessel owners are afforded a unique legal protection that allows them to limit their liability in certain circumstances. This right is encapsulated in 46 U.S.C. § 30501, a provision of the United States Code that specifically addresses the limitation of liability for vessel owners in the event of maritime accidents, damages, or injuries, reports UK P&I.

The statute aims to provide a legal mechanism to help shield owners from unlimited financial exposure in the face of unforeseen...§-30501/

Panama Concludes General Merchant Marine Law Revision

Credits: Joshua Miranda/ Pexels
  • A total of 188 articles were reviewed; 70 were modified; 10 were eliminated and more than 12 new articles were proposed, and all of them were approved in consensus.
  • The revision of the General Merchant Marine law brought several novelties, among them.
  • The vessel has a unique registration number, resulting in better control and follow-up in the administrative and documentary part of the vessel.

The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) and Panama’s main maritime...

Malaysian Bunkering Industry’s New Reforms To Be Effective From 1 June

Credits: Jeffry Surianto/ Pexels
  • The estimated value of the bunker fuel market for the whole world is about USD 110 billion a year in 2020.
  • The minister emphasized the government’s commitment in supporting Malaysian companies and tanker owners.
  • The huge potential growth of bunkering activities in Malaysia can contribute to the country’s economy, especially as a catalyst for a more dynamic maritime ecosystem.

Several discussions and engagement sessions have been held between Malaysia’s Ministry...

Foreign Flagged Ships Detained in the UK During May 2021

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) announced that four foreign flagged ships remained under detention in UK ports during May 2021 after failing port state control (PSC) inspection.

New detentions

During May, there were four new detentions of foreign flagged vessels in a UK port.

  1. In response to one of the recommendations of Lord Donaldson’s inquiry into the prevention of pollution from merchant shipping, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) publishes details of the foreign flagged...

Illegal Oil Dumping, Subterfuge Tanker Arrested

  • The Liberia-flagged tanker — with ties to Venezuela’s subterfuge fleet — was ordered into the port of Almeria pending payment of a hefty release fee.
  • Spain has detained a tanker after it was spotted illegally discharging hydrocarbons into the sea, causing a 55 sq km oil spot in the Atlantic.

A Lloyd’s List news source says that Spain arrests subterfuge tanker for illegal oil dumping.

A product tanker linked to US-sanctioned oil trade

A PRODUCT tanker linked to US-sanctioned oil trades with...

Understanding the Maritime Liabilities & Importance of Flag States

As Sri Lanka deals with its worst marine ecological disaster after the sinking of a Singapore-registered container ship, questions have been raised about who bears the responsibilities in maritime incidents, reports Xinde Marine News.

Major environmental disaster

The stricken ship, X-Press Pearl, sailed under the flag of Singapore. It is owned by Singapore-based shipping group X-Press feeders, which has offices around the world.

The vessel was sailing from India to Colombo when it caught fire on...

Bulk Carrier Banned Entry Amid ‘Appaling Conditions’ Onboard

  • Australian authorities have issued a record ban to Aswan Shipping, the owners of Panama-flagged bulk carrier MV Maryam.
  • The ban prevents the vessel from entering any Australian port for three years.
  • The vessel was detained in Port Kembla in February after an inspection identified dozens of serious safety, maintenance, and crew welfare breaches.
  • The ban comes a month after a second bulk carrier owned by the same company, Aswan Shipping, was issued an 18-month ban for similar deficiencies.


Shell To Reduce Carbon Emissions 45% by 2030, Court Order

  • A Dutch court on Wednesday ordered Royal Dutch Shell to cut its carbon emissions by net 45 percent by 2030 compared to 2019 levels in a landmark case.
  • This case was brought by climate activism groups, which hailed the decision as a victory for the planet.
  • The Hague District Court ruled that the Anglo-Dutch energy giant has a duty of care to reduce emissions and that its current reduction plans were not concrete enough.

A recent First Post news article published in the First Post states that...

Warranty of Workmanlike Performance Key for Ship Repairers

  • The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently reminded the legal community.
  • It is that liability for breach of the implied warranty of workmanlike performance (WWLP) is strict, and damages can end up being much more than anticipated.
  • Contracts of ship repairers fall under admiralty jurisdiction and are therefore subject to doctrines of general maritime law.
  • The implied warranty of workmanlike performance is one of those doctrines.

A recent news sources based out from Lexology...