Electrolyzers only scratch the surface of midcentury hydrogen demand

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Even as manufacturing of electrolyzers grows, the hydrogen-making devices barely address the...


Startups struggling to make financial ends meet

One is a startup. The other is better described as an early-stage growth company. Choosing lidar maker Ouster Inc. and bus, battery and electric infrastructure provider Proterra Inc. for Securities and Exchange Commission filings scrutiny may be selective. But they represent the ongoing financial difficulties affecting companies trying to advance transportation technology.

Some have already left the stage: XL Fleet was purchased by the Shyft Group. Electric Last Mile Solutions went bankrupt amid...


[Watch] Custom Lego Technic Diesel Engines Have Working Turbo

Credits: Xavi Cabrera/Unsplash

A marine engine, lorry-trailer, and diesel generator are original creations of a diehard Lego purist, reports Motor1.com

Intricate models using Legos

There’s an art to building intricate models using Legos. Like other miniatures and scale models, the lifelike accuracy is only limited by the artist’s imagination and skill. That’s what makes the creations in this video so incredible. They not only look realistic, but the movement is incredibly lifelike.

A video showing...


Truck Tech: Summer ACTs edition

Truck Tech logo on blue background

Playing with Lego bricks to illustrate supply chain disruptions, how the passenger vehicle market mirrors the trucking industry, and Hyliion’s Hypertruck free rides — those and other musings from the ACT Research Seminar 67 this week in Columbus, Indiana.

Explain it to me like I’m a 4-year-old

When you see some of the full-size creations from Lego bricks, you know they are not just for children. Check the recommended ages on some of the boxes if you want evidence.

Those plastic bricks helped Paul...


Truck Talk: Hydrogen conundrum edition

This week, we look at insuring hydrogen fuel cell trucks, Nikola’s patent infringement case against Tesla — is there still a case to make? — and Volvo Construction Equipment and LEGO: They’re at it again, but this time, it’s the toy inspiring the real vehicle.

A hydrogen conundrum

At critical mass, hydrogen-powered fuel cell trucks promise elimination of greenhouse gas emissions as long as the hydrogen comes from renewable sources like solar or hydropower.

But there is a more pressing issue. How...


Titanic Made Of 9,090-Pieces Unveiled As One Of LEGO’s Most Challenging Sets

Titanic Lego

On October 7th, the toy company, LEGO announced the upcoming launch of its largest Lego model of the Titanic, a dream ship for all Lego fans. With 9,090 pieces, the soon-to-launch Titanic set (10294) has, so far, been one of Lego’s most challenging experiences to date.

It edges out the previous record holders: Lego’s Colosseum with 9,036 pieces, and the Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) that had 7,541 pieces. Even though it is a one-of-its-kind model, it is not the Lego set with the most number of...


Truck Talk: Autonomous prediction edition

This week, we’re playing back what some participants in the Autonomous & Electric Vehicles Summit had to say about the sector’s future, chronicling the growth in Nikola’s dealer network and checking out a very cool new Lego ruck.

Summit voices on autonomous trucking’s future

FreightWaves featured a strong lineup of speakers during Wednesday’s Autonomous & Electric Vehicles Summit. One question that brought divergent answers involved looking at the sector five years out. Will most autonomous...


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