Lessons Learned: The Importance of Proper Safety Harness Use at Sea

  • Two crew members fell overboard due to large waves while securing mooring ropes on the poop deck in adverse weather.
  • Lack of proper securing, absence of lifejackets, and the vessel’s low speed contributed to unsuccessful rescue efforts.
  • Safety actions included better mooring rope storage, improved safety gear, and increased awareness among crew members.

On January 2, 2020, MV Stara Planina encountered rough seas while operating at reduced speed due to an engine issue. Two crew members were on...


Lessons Learned: Vessel Cook Injured by Hot Oil Spill

A vessel cook receives burns from oil spill due to faulty thermostat, reports an IMCA safety flash.

What happened?

On an offshore support vessel, a cook was deep-frying fish in a shallow-sided gimballed “gyro” frying pan. Unbeknown to the cook the pan’s thermostat was faulty. The oil overheated, started smoking and ignited shortly afterwards. The cook activated the fixed wet chemical fire-extinguishing system. As the wet chemical filled the gimballed frying pan the burning oil spilled out onto...


Lesson Learned: The Impact of Oxygen Deficiency in Cargo Holds

  • Duty AB fell into the aft access trunk of cargo hold no. 6, resulting in fatal injuries.
  • The fall was likely caused by an oxygen-deficient atmosphere in the trunk, possibly due to copper concentrate cargo.
  • The company initiated fleet-wide safety measures and revised procedures for enclosed space entry.

During cargo discharging on October 12, 2021, a duty AB was assigned to check mooring arrangements. He was found dead in the aft access trunk of the cargo hold an hour later. The cause of death...


Lesson Learned: Understanding Boiler Safety

  • An explosion during a fuel changeover killed a second engineer.
  • Excess vaporized fuel and valve failure caused the blast.
  • The crew acted swiftly, but risk assessment was lacking.

On 03 January 2024, a vessel transporting paraffin, experienced a tragic incident involving a boiler explosion during a fuel changeover process from low-sulfur marine gas oil (LSMGO) to very low-sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO). The event resulted in the death of the second engineer and highlighted several safety and...


Lesson Learned: Software Updates Are Crucial for PRS Reliability

  • A PSV lost all position reference systems (PRS) during a cargo operation, causing minor contact with an offshore installation.
  • Root causes included degraded PRS signals, software errors, and operational oversights.
  • Improved PRS setup, adherence to guidelines, and enhanced training are essential to prevent future incidents.

During a routine cargo operation at a North Sea offshore installation, a Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) lost Dynamic Positioning (DP) references, resulting in minor vessel and...


Lesson Learned: Gangway Incident Highlights Safety Gaps in Vessel Operations

  • A vessel gangway detached due to tidal movement and procedural failures, causing injuries to five lashers.
  • Key issues included faded hazard markings, improper PPE use, and lack of gangway supervision.
  • Recommendations focus on clearer hazard markings, regular checks, and ensuring adherence to safety procedures.

A serious incident occurred when the gangway of a container vessel detached from the quayside, resulting in injuries to five lashers. This incident highlights critical lapses in safety...


Lesson Learned: Towing Vessel Collision Spurs Safety Alert on the Columbia River

  • A towing vessel operator fell asleep, leading to a $1.5 million accident on the Columbia River.
  • The Pilothouse Alarm System failed due to reliance on non-marine-grade motion sensors.
  • The Coast Guard recommends upgrading alarm systems and improving safety practices.

A towing vessel pushing a barge collided with a bulk liquid transfer terminal pier on the Columbia River, causing significant damage. The incident highlighted deficiencies in safety systems and operator alertness, reports USCG.



Lesson Learned: Tragic Fall Aboard MV Ludogorets

  • On October 12, 2021, a tragic incident occurred aboard MV Ludogorets, resulting in the death of a duty-able seaman (AB) during cargo discharging operations.
  • The duty AB was discovered at the bottom of the cargo hold no. 6’s aft access trunk after falling from a height
  • Safety protocols and barriers in place were insufficient to prevent entry.

The fatal accident aboard MV Ludogorets highlighted safety vulnerabilities in cargo operations and crew hazard awareness. The investigation aimed to...


Lesson Learned: Flawed Procedures Lead to Fire Aboard PGC Patreas

  • Crew members aboard the vessel underwent refresher training on the company’s engineering and maintenance procedures.
  • The company distributed safety circulars, risk assessments, and an internal investigation report across its fleet for awareness and compliance.
  • Instructions were issued for discussing the internal investigation report during onboard safety meetings to prevent similar incidents.

A fire incident occurred aboard the PGC Patreas during a routine waste oil transfer, resulting in burn...


Enclosed Space Entry: Why Compliance Is Critical for Crew Safety

  • The chief officer suffered a fatal cardiac condition while working unaccompanied in an enclosed space (cofferdam) during a voyage.
  • Delayed medical assistance and possible undisclosed health conditions contributed to the tragic outcome.
  • Safety measures and compliance with medical history disclosure are emphasized in the investigation’s recommendations.

On 25 June 2021, the chief officer of a vessel traveling from Rotterdam to Gebze entered the starboard cofferdam alone to perform maintenance....
