Serie de explosiones de petroleros alrededor del MED se suman a las preocupaciones de seguridad de envío europeo


Marítimo Una serie de explosiones registradas en todo el Mediterráneo en petroleros que recientemente han llamado a los puertos rusos tienen analistas de seguridad preocupados por una nueva forma de ataque dirigido al envío comercial. Dos camiones cisterna de Aframax de Dos. Auxilia y el Martillo – Ambos informaron explosiones a bordo en el último […]

Esta entrada Serie de explosiones de petroleros alrededor del MED se suman a las preocupaciones de seguridad de envío europeo Aparece primero en Fu...

Series of tanker explosions around the Med add to European shipping security concerns

A spate of blasts recorded across the Mediterranean on tankers that have recently called at Russian ports has security analysts concerned about a new form of attack targeting merchant shipping. Two Thenamaris aframax tankers – the Seajewel and the Seacharm – have both reported explosions onboard in...

VESSEL REVIEW | Alogla – Pilot boat pair built for Libyan waters

Turkish builder Med Marine recently handed over two new pilot boats in a series to the Misurata Free Zone (MFZ) at the Port of Misurata on Libya’s Mediterranean coast. ..

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COLUMN | Gaddafi’s crooked rules leave toxic legacy: African ferry scam, Libya looted, ENI investing, divisions unhealed [Offshore Accounts]

Last week, when we looked at the parlous state of governance and government in Africa’s major oil and gas producers, we briefly touched upon the wretched condition of L ..

The post COLUMN | Gaddafi’s crooked rules leave toxic legacy: African ferry scam, Libya looted, ENI investing, divisions...