Joe Kramek named as new World Shipping Council president and CEO

The board of the World Shipping Council (WSC), which represents the liner shipping industry, has appointed Joe Kramek as the WSC’s new president and CEO, succeeding John Butler on his retirement at the end of July.

Kramek previously served as the WSC’s director of U.S. government relations. His professional experience includes twenty-eight years service as a commissioned officer with the U.S. Coast Guard, where he spent time at sea and as the Chief of Maritime, International, and Environmental...

Shipping Australia and World Shipping Council work together on liner shipping policy

Shipping Australia – the peak body for shipping in Australia, and the World Shipping Council – the global body that represents the international container and vehicle carrier sector, met recently […]

The post Shipping Australia and World Shipping Council work together on liner shipping policy...

Is Liner Shipping Heading Towards Overcapacity?

Credits: Shunya Koide/Unsplash

SUBDUED container demand has led to growing fears of an impending supply glut for container shipping and the repercussions of another era of overcapacity taking center stage, sources MDST.

Absorption Capacity

Such concerns do come with a degree of justification given the sector’s hefty and growing orderbook, and past form. Fortunately, however, there are signs that carriers are already making use of the tools at their disposal to absorb this fresh tonnage. The influx...

Scrapping EU liner exemption will backfire on shippers, analysts warn

The European legal regime that boosts competition in shipping, increases the frequency of liner shipping, increases the connectivity of port pairs and reduces freight rates will be allowed to die. […]

The post Scrapping EU liner exemption will backfire on shippers, analysts warn appeared first on Shi...

The Bold Move of Blank Sailings in Liner Shipping

Credits: Ship-technology

Shifting dynamics in the liner shipping industry have led to the adoption of blanked sailings as a strategic response to capacity management and evolving trade patterns. The container-newssource-

  • Liner operators adopt blanked sailings amid record newbuildings to manage capacity, with THE Alliance leading in skipped schedules.
  • Blank sailings shift from demand-driven to capacity control strategy, while impacts on freight rates and routes unfold.
  • Industry adapts to...

PFL launches new shipping service from Australia to the Pacific islands

Pictured: a canoe with an outrigger in the Pacific. Credit: Julius Silver via Pixabay.

By Pacific Forum Line / Quay Shipping

Pacific Forum Line (PFL), has announced a service upgrade to help restore supply chains and address congestion and operational challenges at Australian, New Zealand and Fiji ports.

Launching in late April 2023, PFL’s new Australia New Zealand Pacific (ANZPAC) service will provide fixed-day fortnightly sailings with 3 x 1700 TEU vessels operating from the East Coast of...

Η είσοδος της Alibaba στην αγορά των τακτικών γραμμών

Η κινεζική πλατφόρμα ηλεκτρονικού εμπορίου Alibaba, σύμφωνα με δημοσιεύματα σε διεθνή ΜΜΕ, προέβη πριν από έναν χρόνο στην εξαγορά του 10,33% των μετοχών της νεοσυσταθείσας εταιρείας τακτικών γραμμών Transfar Shipping, η οποία δραστηριοποιείται στον θαλάσσιο εμπορικό δρόμο του Ειρηνικού μεταξύ Κίνας και Δυτικής Ακτής των ΗΠΑ.

Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2020 ο κινεζικός κολοσσός είχε επίσης εξαγοράσει, μέσω της θυγατρικής του εταιρείας logistics Cainiao, το 10,33% του Worldwide...

Fact check: Australia benefits from plentiful container shipping

Graphic credit: Jim Wilson and, via Pixabay, images from Kookay and Gerd Altmann

It’s just a fact: Australia benefits from a high level of container shipping connectivity, from access to plentiful shipping services, and from access to a wide range of container shipping brands and services.

Liner Shipping Connectivity has NEVER been higher

Australia’s liner shipping connectivity is at the highest level since UNCTAD began recording data in Q1 2006. 

Don’t just take our word for it. You can see it...